- Pictorial Library
- Galilea y el Norte
- Samaria y el Centro
- Jerusalén
- Judá y el Mar Muerto
- El Néguev y el Desierto
- Jordania
- Egipto
- Líbano
- Este y Centro de Turquía
- Turquía Occidental
- Grecia
- Las Islas Griegas
- Chipre y Creta
- Italia y Malta
- Roma
- Arboles, Plantas y Flores de la Tierra Santa
- Imágenes Culturales de la Tierra Santa
- Señalizaciones en la Tierra Santa
- Colección Completa
Pictorial Library

Samaria y el Centro
Todas las imágenes son archivos jpeg de alta resolución (1600 x 1200 ó más), ideales para proyectar en el salón de clase, para imprimir o ver en la pantalla de su computador. Cada DVD incluye presentaciones PowerPoint para cada región (con anotaciones en inglés) y un índice.
Más información sobre los sitios en este Volumen
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Benjamin
- Beth Shean
- Beth Shearim
- Bethel-Ai
- Caesarea
- Dor
- Gibeon
- Jericho
- Jericho-Later Periods
- Jezreel Valley
- Jordan Rift
- Kiriath Jearim Area
- Megiddo
- Michmash and Geba
- Mount Carmel
- Ramat HaNadiv
- Samaria
- Samaria-Sebaste
- Sharon Plain
- Shechem and Mount Gerizim
- Shiloh
Benjamin (61)
Bedouin tents near Mizpe Dani, tb031405296
Beth Horon ridge aerial from south, tb010703100
Beth Horon ridge aerial from southwest, tb010703101
Beth Horon ridge aerial from west, tb010703102
Beth Horon ridge aerial, bb00010020
Beth Horon ridge from Nebi Samwil, tb121501100
Beth Horon ridge from south, tb121501101
Beth Horon ridge from southeast, tb051808066
Beth Horon ridge, tbs74369303
Beth Horon Roman road, tbs44199009
Central Benjamin Plateau aerial from south, tb010703103
Central Benjamin Plateau aerial from southwest, tb010703104
Central Benjamin Plateau from Nebi Samwil panorama, tb121501103
Central Benjamin Plateau view east from Nebi Samwil, tb121501102
Central Benjamin Plateau view northeast from Nebi Samwil, tb121501109
Central Benjamin Plateau with Baal Hazor from southwest, tb051901101
Gibeah of Saul from southeast, tb122201102
Gibeah of Saul from west, tb040304297
Gibeah of Saul view north, tb122201103
Gibeah of Saul, King Hussein’s palace, tb122201105
Hill country terraces aerial, tb010703107
Jerusalem from Nebi Samwil, tb051901102
Lifta, biblical Mei Nephtoah, from west, tb070707920
Lifta, biblical Mei Nephtoah, from west, tb070707922
Lifta, biblical Mei Nephtoah, from west, tb070707928
Lower Beth Horon aerial, tb010703129
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, aerial from south, tb010703132
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, from north, tb051407509
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, from south with sheep, tb051407542
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, from west, tb051407564
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, Iron Age offset-inset wall, tb051407526
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, Iron Age offset-inset wall, tb051407532
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, Iron Age offset-inset wall, tb051407534
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, ruins, tb051407513
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, ruins, tbs98349805
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, surface with ruins, tb051407515
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, surface with ruins, tb051407518
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, surface with ruins, tb051407521
Mizpah, Tell en-Nasbeh, view south with Jerusalem airport, tbs98319805
Nebi Samwil aerial from south, tb010703133
Nebi Samwil aerial, tb031900100
Nebi Samwil before excavations, tbs44179009
Nebi Samwil excavations, tb010110477
Nebi Samwil excavations, tb010110479
Nebi Samwil excavations, tb010110482
Nebi Samwil excavations, tb010110483
Nebi Samwil excavations, tb020707484
Nebi Samwil, tb010100107
Nebi Samwil, tb091405114
Ramah tell aerial from north, tbs108149900
Ramallah street with Palestine coffee shop, tb071304517
Ramallah street, tb071304349
Terracing aerial, tbs105109905
Tombs of Sons of Israel, Kubr Benei Israel, adr080712757
Tombs of Sons of Israel, Kubr Benei Israel, adr080712761
Tombs of Sons of Israel, Kubr Benei Israel, tb020503112
Tombs of Sons of Israel, Kubr Benei Israel, tb020503113
Upper Beth Horon aerial from south, tb010703134
Upper Beth Horon and ridge aerial from south, tb010703135
Upper Beth Horon from south, tb051808061
Valley of Zeboim from Mizpe Dani, tb020503114
Watchtower in field near et-Tell, tb071304422
Wilderness east of Mizpe Dani, tb031405308
Beth Shean (107)
Beth Shean aerial from east, tbs118180011
Beth Shean aerial from northeast, tbs118210011
Beth Shean aerial from northeast, tbs118220011
Beth Shean aerial from northeast, tbs118240011
Beth Shean aerial from northwest, tbs118040011
Beth Shean aerial from south, tb121704057
Beth Shean aerial from southeast, tb121704047
Beth Shean aerial from southwest, tb121704062
Beth Shean aerial from southwest, tbs118120011
Beth Shean aerial from west, tbs118060011
Beth Shean aerial from west, tbs118090011
Beth Shean amphitheater aerial from west, tbs118130011
Beth Shean amphitheater aerial, bb00170018
Beth Shean amphitheater panorama, tb103002005
Beth Shean amphitheater staircase, tb011510554
Beth Shean amphitheater, tb011510550
Beth Shean amphitheater, tb011510551
Beth Shean and Harod Valley aerial from east, bb00170097
Beth Shean arches collapsed in earthquake, tb052804321
Beth Shean architrave collapse in earthquake, tb060305706
Beth Shean area aerial from northwest, tb121704027
Beth Shean Byzantine Sigma above, tb103002001
Beth Shean Byzantine Sigma mosaic with Greek inscription, tb101205981
Beth Shean Byzantine Sigma mosaic with Tyche, tb011512685
Beth Shean Byzantine Sigma mosaic with Tyche, tb052908556
Beth Shean capital with Dionysius, tb103002006
Beth Shean central area aerial from north, tb121704077
Beth Shean columns and reflecting pool, tb103002009
Beth Shean columns fallen in earthquake, tb101205987
Beth Shean columns fallen in earthquake, tb101205994
Beth Shean columns fallen in earthquake, tb103002033
Beth Shean doorway with Greek inscription, tb011506625
Beth Shean excavations from above, tb011506630
Beth Shean excavations from above, tb011506655
Beth Shean excavations from above, tb103002022
Beth Shean excavations from above, tb103002023
Beth Shean excavations panorama, tb103002024
Beth Shean excavations panorama, tb103002025
Beth Shean excavations with tell, tb011506672
Beth Shean mosaic mentioning Palladius, tb011512686
Beth Shean Northern Street excavations, tb103002050
Beth Shean Northern Street from above, tb011506657
Beth Shean Palladius inscription, tb052901100
Beth Shean Palladius Street columns, tb101205984
Beth Shean Palladius Street from above, tb011506656
Beth Shean Palladius Street propylaea with marble and mosaic, tb060206856
Beth Shean Palladius Street, tb011512687
Beth Shean Palladius Street, tb011700103
Beth Shean public latrine drain, tb052908548
Beth Shean public latrine storage holes, tb052908549
Beth Shean public latrine, tb033107285
Beth Shean public latrine, tb052908545
Beth Shean Roman bridge, tb060305719
Beth Shean Roman temple steps, tb011512683
Beth Shean Roman temple, tb011700107
Beth Shean row of shops, tb052804312
Beth Shean Silvanus Street and reflecting pools, tb011700108
Beth Shean Silvanus street from above, tbs47219010
Beth Shean Silvanus Street monument from above, tb103002054
Beth Shean Silvanus Street nymphaeum and fallen columns, tb011512682
Beth Shean Silvanus Street nymphaeum, tb103002051
Beth Shean Silvanus Street reflecting pools, tb011512675
Beth Shean Silvanus Street shops and columns from above, tb103002061
Beth Shean Silvanus Street shops, tb011512673
Beth Shean Silvanus Street, tb011512677
Beth Shean Silvanus Street, tb011512680
Beth Shean street near amphitheater, tb011510548
Beth Shean Temple of Demeter and Kore, 1st c AD, tb033107283
Beth Shean theater aerial, tbs118100011
Beth Shean theater and tell, tb011510575
Beth Shean theater from northeast, tb101205998
Beth Shean theater from stage, tb060107161
Beth Shean theater scaenae frons, tb022007998
Beth Shean theater scaenae frons, tb033107270
Beth Shean theater seats with backs, tb103002078
Beth Shean theater, tb011510569
Beth Shean theater, tb060107167
Beth Shean theater, tb060305702
Beth Shean western bathhouse caldarium not reconstructed, tb060206852
Beth Shean western bathhouse caldarium, tb052804282
Beth Shean western bathhouse caldarium, tb060206849
Beth Shean western bathhouse cold bath, wall painting, tb052804293
Beth Shean western bathhouse, tb060206848
Beth Shean western bathhouse, tb070100109
Tel Beth Shean aerial from northwest, tb121704078
Tel Beth Shean aerial from south, tb121704052
Tel Beth Shean aerial from southeast, tb121704050
Tel Beth Shean aerial from west, tb121704067
Tel Beth Shean Early Bronze remains, tb011506632
Tel Beth Shean Early Bronze remains, tb103002015
Tel Beth Shean Egyptian governor’s residence lintel, tb011506645
Tel Beth Shean Egyptian governor’s residence, Building 1500, tb040401100
Tel Beth Shean excavations and Jordan Rift Valley, tb103002019
Tel Beth Shean excavations, tbs47339010
Tel Beth Shean Israelite fortress remains, tb011506638
Tel Beth Shean Israelite fortress remains, tb103002037
Tel Beth Shean Late Bronze Canaanite temple, tbs48189010
Tel Beth Shean Late Bronze temple and Roman temple remains, tb011506635
Tel Beth Shean Late Bronze temple remains, tb011506640
Tel Beth Shean Middle Bronze wall excavation, tbs48209010
Tel Beth Shean Ramses III statue replica, tb103002055
Tel Beth Shean Roman bridge from above, tb103002056
Tel Beth Shean Stele of Seti I replica, tb103002059
Tel Beth Shean with monumental building, tb101205991
Tel Beth Shean with Roman city architectural fragments, tb060305714
Tel Beth Shean with Roman city excavations, tb011512669
Tel Beth Shean with Roman city excavations, tb022007005
Beth Shearim (23)
Beth Shearim benches structure, tb032507620
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins facade door, tb040603013
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins facade, tb040603016
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins menorah, tb040603019
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagi, tb032507636
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagi, tb032507640
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagi, tb040603024
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagus, tb032507637
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagus, tb032507643
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagus, tb040603035
Beth Shearim Cave of Coffins sarcophagus, tb040603039
Beth Shearim Cave of Rabbi Judah the Prince interior, tb032507628
Beth Shearim Cave of Rabbi Judah the Prince interior, tb032507630
Beth Shearim Cave of Rabbi Judah the Prince, tb040603055
Beth Shearim Cave of the Ascents, tb040603063
Beth Shearim Cave of the Cloth Merchant, tb032507623
Beth Shearim Cave of the Lone Sarcophagus, tb032507614
Beth Shearim cemetery, tb032507621
Beth Shearim Lulavim Cave interior, tb032507617
Beth Shearim Lulavim Cave, tb032507616
Beth Shearim metal sarcophagi, tb040603085
Beth Shearim Sarcophagus of Nikes, tb032507649
Beth Shearim tomb, tb032507608
Bethel-Ai (39)
Beitin aerial, tbs107289900
Beitin aerial, tbs107299900
Beitin column bases, tb051407586
Beitin column, tb051407585
Beitin from Burj Beitin, tb071304373
Beitin from south, tb051407597
Beitin old building, tb051407584
Beitin Roman reservoir with view north, tb051407595
Beitin Roman reservoir, tb051407575
Beitin Roman reservoir, tb051407578
Bet El settlement entrance, tb051207278
Bet El, Israeli settlement, from west, tb051407571
Burj Beitin from west, tb071304369
El-Bireh, Ras et-Tahuneh, from south, tb122201100
El-Bireh, Ras et-Tahuneh, high place view from distance, tb051407522
El-Bireh, Ras et-Tahuneh, high place view from distance, tbs98239805
Et-Tell aerial from north, tbs104299905
Et-Tell aerial from south, tbs104319905
Et-Tell Early Bronze southern fortifications, tb071304384
Et-Tell Early Bronze southern fortifications, tb071304386
Et-Tell Early Bronze temple from west, tb071304418
Et-Tell Early Bronze temple interior, tb071304403
Et-Tell Early Bronze temple, tb071304393
Et-Tell Early Bronze temple, tb071304400
Et-Tell Early Bronze western fortifications, tb071304409
Et-Tell southern fortifications, tb071304428
Et-Tell view of tell from south, tb071304430
Et-Tell, Khirbet el-Maqatir, Beitin aerial from east, tbs104309905
Hill 914 north of Khirbet el-Maqatir, tb071304453
Khirbet el-Maqatir and et-Tell from north, tb041106366
Khirbet el-Maqatir and Wadi Sheban aerial, tbs104369905
Khirbet el-Maqatir Byzantine church wall line, tbs107059900
Khirbet el-Maqatir from north, tb041106364
Khirbet Nisya aerial, tbs104269905
Khirbet Nisya view from distance, tbs98219805
Khirbet Nisya view from distance, tbs98229805
Terraced hillside near et-Tell, tb071304411
Wadi Sheban aerial from northwest, tbs104349905
Welcome to Beitin sign, tb051407572
Caesarea (102)
Caesarea aerial from northwest, tb121704937
Caesarea aerial from southwest, tb121704913
Caesarea aerial from southwest, tb121704920
Caesarea aerial from southwest, tb121704923
Caesarea aerial from west, tb121704931
Caesarea amphitheater and theater aerial from north, bb00190042
Caesarea aqueducts aerial from west, tb121704941
Caesarea aqueducts aerial from west, tb121704942
Caesarea beach, tb100505525
Caesarea Bosnian mosque, tb122000100
Caesarea buildings near northern breakwater, tb052905372
Caesarea Byzantine bathhouse caldarium, tb032407457
Caesarea Byzantine bathhouse southern section mosaic, tb032504047
Caesarea Byzantine bathhouse southern section, tb032504046
Caesarea Byzantine bathhouse, tb032407464
Caesarea Byzantine church above temple, tb100505493
Caesarea Byzantine governor’s bath, tb032407473
Caesarea Byzantine lower aqueduct, tb011300102
Caesarea Byzantine lower aqueduct, tb032504077
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, bear, tb011006338
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, bird, tb011006333
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, dog, tb011006339
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, entrance, tb011006327
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, gazelle, tb011006337
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, lion, tb011006340
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, peacock, tb011006334
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, pelican, tb011006330
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, tb011006326
Caesarea Byzantine mansion mosaic, tree, tb011006344
Caesarea Byzantine street with porphyry statue of Hadrian, tb052304879
Caesarea commercial area vaults from west, tb032504038
Caesarea Crusader arcade, tb100505490
Caesarea Crusader castle remains, tb052508464
Caesarea Crusader fortifications aerial from northeast, bb00190102
Caesarea Crusader gatehouse interior, tb052304876
Caesarea Crusader gatehouse, tb052304871
Caesarea Crusader moat, tb032407472
Caesarea Crusader moat, tb052304877
Caesarea Crusader moat, tb052304878
Caesarea Crusader northern fortifications, tb052905370
Caesarea Crusader walls and moat, tbs48309011
Caesarea excavations aerial from west, tb121704929
Caesarea granite columns with theater, tb102302028
Caesarea harbor aerial from west, tb121704927
Caesarea harbor aerial from west, tb121704935
Caesarea harbor aerial from west, tb121704936
Caesarea harbor area from northwest, tb052905368
Caesarea harbor at sunset, tb011300103
Caesarea harbor columns in water, tb052905380
Caesarea harbor columns in water, tb052905397
Caesarea harbor excavations, tb100505496
Caesarea harbor excavations, tbs70039210
Caesarea harbor from north, tb052905389
Caesarea harbor landing, tb102302032
Caesarea harbor with scuba divers, tb052806600
Caesarea harbor with scuba divers, tb052806606
Caesarea harbor with waves, tb032407488
Caesarea harbor, tb052508462
Caesarea harbor, tb052806609
Caesarea harbor, tb100505495
Caesarea harbor, tbs48329011
Caesarea Herodian aqueduct aerial from northeast, bb00190017
Caesarea Herodian aqueduct aerial from northeast, bb00190022
Caesarea Herodian aqueduct aerial from northeast, bb00190065
Caesarea Herod’s Promontory Palace and theater aerial from west, tb121704924
Caesarea Herod’s promontory palace from south, tb102302039
Caesarea Herod’s Promontory Palace from southeast, tb102302037
Caesarea Herod’s Promontory Palace, tb122000106
Caesarea Herod’s Promontory Palace, tb122000107
Caesarea hippodrome aerial from north, bb00190108
Caesarea hippodrome aerial from northwest, tb121704938
Caesarea hippodrome fresco, tb052600106
Caesarea hippodrome from south, tb052304869
Caesarea hippodrome seating, tb102302048
Caesarea hippodrome with obelisk, tb100505501
Caesarea hippodrome, some unexcavated, tb052600107
Caesarea hippodrome, tb011300100
Caesarea hippodrome, tb062700101
Caesarea ibex mosaic, tb032407467
Caesarea latrine, tb032504043
Caesarea lion’s head, tb032504026
Caesarea marble statue of shepherd with sheep, tb052304859
Caesarea Mithraeum, tb011112410
Caesarea mosaic with decorative medallions, tb011112406
Caesarea mosaic with Romans 13,3, tb032407469
Caesarea nymphaeum, tb100505485
Caesarea Pontius Pilate inscription replica, tb032801103
Caesarea Pontius Pilate inscription replica, tb040603200
Caesarea porphyry statue of Hadrian, tb052304880
Caesarea Roman aqueduct covered in sand, tb032504079
Caesarea Roman aqueduct cross-section, tb032504096
Caesarea Roman aqueduct inscription, tb062700100
Caesarea Roman aqueduct, kg111500101
Caesarea Roman aqueduct, tb011112413
Caesarea Roman aqueduct, tb032504092
Caesarea Roman aqueduct, tb052600100
Caesarea Roman aqueduct, tb052600101
Caesarea theater aerial from south, bb00190048
Caesarea theater from Herod’s Promontory Palace, tb102302066
Caesarea theater, tb052304860
Caesarea theater, tb052304866
Caesarea theater, tb122000108
Dor (24)
Anchor buried in sand at Dor, tb090506864
Catapult balls in Dor Museum, tbs104029904
Dor acropolis view to temples area, tb090506885
Dor aerial from east, bb00200007
Dor aerial from south, tb121704950
Dor anchors, tbs104019904
Dor boat slipways, tb090506889
Dor boat slipways, tb090506891
Dor boat slipways, tbs93099708
Dor from south, tb090506862
Dor from south, tb090506867
Dor harbor aerial from south, bb00200001
Dor harbor area aerial from south, bb00200011
Dor harbor area from north, tb090506883
Dor harbor, tbs93139708
Dor Iron Age two-chambered gate, tbs104039904
Dor museum, former glass factory, tb090506861
Dor southern excavations, tb090506875
Dor southern excavations, tb090506876
Dor temples area, tb090506882
Dor temples area, tb090506888
Dor view of Love Bay, Purple Dye Factory, tbs93129708
Dor western excavations large building, tb090506898
Tell Dor boat slipways, df032102100
Gibeon (26)
Central Benjamin Plateau view northeast from Gibeon, tb051407478
Central Benjamin Plateau view southeast to Gibeah, tb051407479
Central Benjamin Plateau view west from Gibeon, tb051407501
Gibeon and Nebi Samwil aerial from south, tb010703106
Gibeon from Nebi Samwil, tb020707481
Gibeon from Nebi Samwil, tb040304296
Gibeon from southwest aerial, bb00010005
Gibeon pool at end of water tunnel, tbs72309212
Gibeon water shaft steps, tb051407438
Gibeon water shaft steps, tb051407440
Gibeon water shaft steps, tb051407446
Gibeon water shaft, tb051407433
Gibeon water shaft, tb051407434
Gibeon water shaft, tb051407455
Gibeon water shaft, tb051407492
Gibeon water system tunnel, tb051407459
Gibeon water system tunnel, tb051407474
Gibeon water systems, tb051407477
Gibeon watersystem aerial, bb00010010
Gibeon wine cellar, tb010100103
Gibeon wine cellars, adr080712970
Gibeon wine cellars, tb010100104
Gibeon with broken walls, tb051407493
Gibeon with flowers and orchard, tb051407500
Nebi Samwil from Gibeon, tb051407494
Nebi Samwil from Gibeon, tb051407498
Jericho (73)
Agricultural fields near Jericho, Tell es-Sultan with palm trees, tb051106849
Agricultural fields near Jericho, Tell es-Sultan, tb051106831
Jericho aerial from south, tb010703113
Jericho aerial from west, bb00050103
Jericho aerial with Docus from east, tb010703109
Jericho and wilderness aerial from s, tb010703116
Jericho area aerial from northwest, tb010703117
Jericho area aerial from south, tb121704181
Jericho area aerial from south, tb121704191
Jericho area aerial from west, tb121704157
Jericho Docus Byzantine church aerial from east, tb010703118
Jericho Docus Byzantine church, tbs80079402
Jericho Elisha’s spring, Ein es-Sultan building exterior, adr080711686
Jericho Elisha’s spring, Ein es-Sultan building interior, adr080711683
Jericho Elisha’s spring, Ein es-Sultan, tb052006450
Jericho Elisha’s spring, Ein es-Sultan, tb091504879
Jericho fields, tb092706251
Jericho from Cypros panorama-1, tb092706230
Jericho from Cypros panorama-2, tb092706231
Jericho from Cypros panorama-3, tb092706232
Jericho from Cypros panorama-4, tb092706233
Jericho from south, tb113006530
Jericho from southwest panorama, tb09270623p
Jericho from southwest, tb092706224
Jericho Monastery of the Temptation, tb091504796
Jericho Mount of Temptation from east, tb051106850
Jericho Mount of Temptation from east, tb051106851
Jericho mudbrick house with palm tree, tb051106878
Jericho palm tree, tb091504873
Jericho view from Mount of Temptation, tbs80069402
Jericho with Docus aerial from east, tb010703108
Jericho, Jordan Rift, Mount Hermon aerial from south, tb010703124
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan aerial from east, tb010703121
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan aerial from southeast, tb010703122
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan and cliffs aerial from east, tb010703123
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan balk with burn layer, tb052006446
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan balk with burn layer, tb052006448
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan cablecars above tell, tb091504885
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan collapsed mudbrick from wall above, tbs94219709
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan collapsed mudbrick wall with Bryant Wood, tbs94239709
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan excavations on southern end, tb091504860
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from above, tb091405119
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from above, tb091405129
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from east panorama, tb05110682p
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from east with palm trees, tb051106836
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from hotel, adr080711688
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from north, tb091504815
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from northwest, tbs44359009
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from southwest, tb092706237
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west panorama, tb05110685p
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west panorama, tb05110686p
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west, tb020707488
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west, tb020707491
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west, tb051106865
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west, tb091405166
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan from west, tb091405167
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan grain storejars in balk, tb052006445
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan grain storejars in Kenyon’s balk, tb020707494
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbrick collapse in front of revetment, tbsk97209709
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbrick collapse in front of revetment, tbsk97229709
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbrick wall with stone foundation, tb052205950
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbrick wall, tb052205944
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbrick wall, tb052205948
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbricks in balk, tb091504842
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan mudbricks in western trench, tb091504800
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan Neolithic tower from east, tb091504848
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan Neolithic tower from north, tb091504843
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan Neolithic tower from west, adr080711671
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan northern trench from north, tb091504818
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan revetment wall on southern end, tb091504781
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan southern end excavations from above, tb091405187
Jericho, Tell es-Sultan western trench from east, tb091504846
Jordan River aerial from west, tb010703748
Jericho-Later Periods (89)
Deir Hajla monastery near Jericho and Jordan River, tb020506935
Hisham’s palace bathhouse frigidarium, tb051106698
Hisham’s palace bathhouse frigidarium, tb051106699
Hisham’s palace bathhouse frigidarium, tb051106705
Hisham’s palace bathhouse furnace, tb051106708
Hisham’s palace bathhouse furnace, tb051106711
Hisham’s palace bathhouse room, tb051106707
Hisham’s palace bathhouse, tb051106697
Hisham’s palace carving, tb051106755
Hisham’s palace carvings, tb051106741
Hisham’s palace carvings, tb051106756
Hisham’s palace carvings, tb051106758
Hisham’s palace fallen arches, tb051106750
Hisham’s palace gate from east, tb051106670
Hisham’s palace gate, tb051106754
Hisham’s palace gatehouse, tb051106669
Hisham’s palace large mosque, tb051106702
Hisham’s palace living rooms, tb051106687
Hisham’s palace ornamental pool carvings, tb051106747
Hisham’s palace ornamental pool plaster, tb051106745
Hisham’s palace ornamental pool, tb051106748
Hisham’s palace reception room mosaic, tb051106715
Hisham’s palace reception room mosaic, tb051106730
Hisham’s palace reception room mosaic, tb051106737
Hisham’s palace stone relief, tb051106676
Hisham’s palace with living rooms, tb051106690
Hisham’s palace with stone relief, tb051106673
Hisham’s palace, tb051106694
Jericho aerial from north, tb010703110
Jericho aerial from northwest, tb010703111
Jericho aerial from south, tb010703114
Jericho aerial from west, tb010703115
Jericho ancient synagogue mosaic floor, tb051106773
Jericho ancient synagogue, Aramaic inscription, tb051106802
Jericho ancient synagogue, Peace upon Israel mosaic, tb051106792
Jericho and Wadi Qilt from southwest, tb113006532
Jericho aqueduct, tb062100101
Jericho area aerial from south, tb121704190
Jericho cemetery, Herodian hippodrome, and Tell es-Sultan from southwest, tb051106937
Jericho Cypros aerial from south, tb121704182
Jericho Cypros aerial from west, tb010703105
Jericho Cypros from Herod’s palaces, tb113006514
Jericho Cypros from west, tb092706223
Jericho Cypros lower level from west, tb092706253
Jericho Cypros mosaic, tb020901102
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi panorama, tb05110695p
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106897
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106899
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106901
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106903
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106908
Jericho first-century burial cave with loculi, tb051106944
Jericho first-century cemetery from east, tb051106914
Jericho first-century cemetery from northeast, tb051106891
Jericho first-century cemetery from west, tb051106919
Jericho first-century cemetery mikveh and public building, tb051106959
Jericho first-century cemetery mikveh, tb051106957
Jericho first-century cemetery public room, tb051106955
Jericho first-century cemetery, tb051106920
Jericho from first-century burial cave, tb051106934
Jericho Goliath Tomb upper chamber panorama, tb05110693p
Jericho Goliath Tomb upper chamber, tb051106931
Jericho Herod’s northern palace bathhouse frigidarium, adr080711699
Jericho Herod’s northern palace courtyard, adr080711700
Jericho Herod’s northern palace excavations, tbs80049402
Jericho Herod’s northern palace from south, tb113006509
Jericho Herod’s northern palace from south, tb113006520
Jericho Herod’s northern palace from south, tb113006521
Jericho Herod’s northern palace pool with steps, tb062100110
Jericho Herod’s northern palace pools, tbs80039402
Jericho Herod’s northern palace reception hall, tb062100108
Jericho Herod’s palaces aerial from south, tb010703119
Jericho Herod’s palaces aerial from south, tb010703120
Jericho Herod’s southern palace from northern palace, adr080711702
Jericho mikveh, tb062100109
Jericho sycamore tree, tb091405192
Jericho sycamore tree, tb091405190
Jericho sycamore tree, tb091405193
Jericho synagogue from east, tb062100105
Jericho synagogue from southwest, tb062100112
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome building, tb051106886
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome from north, tb051106890
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome from north, tb091405135
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome from south, tb051106874
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome from south, tb113006513
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome from southwest, tb092706240
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome seating area, tb051106885
Jericho Tell es-Samarat Herodian hippodrome seating area, tb051106893
Jericho Wadi Qilt dry riverbed, tb051106974
Jezreel Valley (105)
Beit Alpha synagogue mosaic floor, tb033007213
Beit Alpha synagogue mosaic floor, tb033007229
Beit Alpha synagogue mosaic, Zodiac, tb033007215
Beit Alpha synagogue, tb033007219
Chesulloth and Hill of Moreh from north, tb011400100
Cows on Mount Gilboa, tb032505936
Ein Harod and Mount Gilboa aerial, tbs119180011
Ein Harod spring cave, tb011400101
Ein Harod stream, tb011400102
Ein Harod with soldiers as Gideon’s men, cd100223002
Endor, Indur, from north, tb100605551
Endor, Indur, tb100705001
Endor, Khirbet Safsafeh, and slope of Mount Tabor, mm091129003
Harod Valley agricultural fields and design, tb011212427
Harod Valley and Beth Shean view from Mount Gilboa, tb032505932
Harod Valley from Beth Shean, tbs48159010
Harod Valley from Jezreel panorama, tb032507550
Harod Valley from Jezreel panorama, tb032507554
Harod Valley from Jezreel panorama, tb03250755p
Harod Valley from Mount Gilboa panorama, tb01121242p
Harod Valley from Mount Gilboa panorama, tb03250504p
Harod Valley view east from Jezreel, tb032901102
Harod Valley, Mount Gilboa, Jezreel aerial from west, tb121704016
Harod Valley, Mount Gilboa, Jezreel aerial from west, tb121704019
Hill of Moreh and Mount Tabor aerial from south, tb121704023
Hill of Moreh and Nain aerial from northwest, tbs121090011
Hill of Moreh and Nain from Nazareth ridge, tb011400104
Hill of Moreh from Nazareth ridge, tb011400105
Hill of Moreh from Tell Jezreel, tb032901103
Jezreel Valley and Hill of Moreh from south aerial, tbs119120011
Jezreel Valley and Mount Tabor from Nazareth ridge, tb053005458
Jezreel Valley from Megiddo panorama, tb032507586
Jezreel Valley from Megiddo view west, tb032507585
Jezreel Valley from Mount Carmel panorama, tb032407526
Jezreel Valley from Mount Carmel panorama, tb032407529
Jezreel Valley from Mount Carmel, tb032407528
Jezreel Valley from Muhraqa panorama, tb052508469
Jezreel Valley from Muhraqa to Hill of Moreh and Mount Gilboa, ws052703100
Jezreel Valley from Muhraqa to Mount Tabor and Hill of Moreh, ws052703102
Jezreel Valley from Muhraqa to Nazareth and Mount Tabor, ws052703101
Jezreel Valley from Nazareth panorama, tb03250753p
Jezreel Valley from Nazareth ridge panorama, tb05300545p
Jezreel Valley from Nazareth view west, tb032507539
Mount Gilboa aerial from west, tb121704013
Mount Gilboa forest scene with wildflowers, tb032505975
Mount Gilboa from east, tb040700104
Mount Gilboa from west, tb032505949
Mount Gilboa view from west, tb011212420
Mount Gilboa view south, tb032505012
Mount Gilboa view southwest, tb033007242
Mount Gilboa view west, tb033007241
Mount Gilboa with red wildflowers, tb031603100
Mount Gilboa with yellow flowers, tb033007233
Mount Tabor aerial from east, bb00170064
Mount Tabor aerial from east, tbs121280011
Mount Tabor aerial from north, bb00170054
Mount Tabor aerial from northwest, tbs121210011
Mount Tabor Basilica of Transfiguration interior, tb032904197
Mount Tabor Basilica of Transfiguration mural, tb040200100
Mount Tabor Basilica of Transfiguration, tb032904191
Mount Tabor from Nazareth ridge, tb011400115
Mount Tabor from Nazareth ridge, tb011400116
Mount Tabor from south, tb041003100
Mount Tabor from southeast, tb041003101
Mount Tabor gate, tb032904205
Mount Tabor summit aerial from northeast, tbs121150011
Mount Tabor tree lined entrance road, tb032904204
Nain chapel, sjb022812233
Nazareth ridge and Chesulloth aerial from south, tbs121100011
Nazareth ridge from Mount Tabor, tb040200102
Ophrah, Tell Afula, tb052807031
Ophrah, Tell Afula, tb052807032
Ophrah, Tell Afula, tb052807039
Ophrah, Tell Afula, wall with sarcophagi, tb052807035
Sachne from west aerial, tbs119050011
Sachne from west aerial, tbs119100011
Sachne tower and stockade aerial, tbs119080011
Sachne warm springs, tb040104271
Sachne warm springs, tb103002100
Sachne warm springs, tb103002102
Sachne warm springs, tb103002103
Sachne warm springs, tb103002104
Shunem aerial, tbs121040011
Shunem and Hill of Moreh from west, tbs104109904
Taanach aerial from north, tbs120040011
Taanach excavations aerial from north, tbs120060011
Taanach from west, tbs104099904
Tel Jezreel aerial from east, tbs119150011
Tel Jezreel aerial from east, tbs119230011
Tel Jezreel aerial from south, bb00200025
Tel Jezreel aerial from west, tb121704015
Tel Jezreel excavations and Harod Valley to east, tbs75239303
Tel Jezreel winepress with view east of Harod Valley, tb053005451
Tel Jezreel with grapevines, tb053005443
Tel Jezreel, Area A ashlars, adr080709178
Tel Jezreel, Area A gate excavations looking northwest, adr080709175
Tel Jezreel, Area B southeast corner tower ashlars, tb011212418
Tel Jezreel, Area B southeast corner tower ashlars, tb100605549
Tel Jezreel, moat on south side of tell looking east, adr080709168
Tel Jokneam aerial from northwest, bb00180039
Tel Jokneam and Mount Carmel aerial from northeast, bb00180048
Tel Jokneam and pass from Muhraqa, tb100505531
Tel Jokneam from Muhraqa, tb032407522
Tel Kedesh near Megiddo, tb033007249
Winepress on summit of Mount Gilboa, mm091130004
Jordan Rift (46)
Abel-Meholah area and Jordan Rift from southwest, tb022207319
Abel-Meholah from west, tb022207313
Adam fords aerial from west, tb121704117
Adam fords aerial from west, tb121704120
Alexandrium Sartaba aerial from east, bb00170029
Alexandrium Sartaba aerial from southeast, tb121704129
Alexandrium Sartaba aerial from southeast, tb121704130
Alexandrium Sartaba from west, tb120806831
Alexandrium Sartaba from west, tb120806832
Alexandrium Sartaba Hasmonean fortress, tb120806844
Alexandrium Sartaba Hasmonean fortress, tb120806845
Alexandrium Sartaba heart-shaped column drum, tb120806834
Alexandrium Sartaba west slope from bottom, tb120806850
Archelais, Kh el-Beiyudat, basilica from north, tb022207353
Archelais, Kh el-Beiyudat, basilica from northwest, tb022207351
Archelais, Kh el-Beiyudat, ruins from south, tb022207345
Archelais, Kh el-Beiyudat, ruins from west, tb022207344
Beekeepers at Tel Rehov, tb022207309
Jordan Rift aerial from southwest, tb010703125
Jordan Rift near Abel-Meholah from northwest, tb022207323
Jordan Rift near Abel-Meholah from northwest, tb022207328
Jordan Rift near Nahal Jabbok aerial from west, tb121704101
Jordan Rift north of Wadi Farah view east, tb032505905
Jordan Rift north of Wadi Farah view east, tb032505907
Jordan Rift south of Adam aerial from west, tb121704127
Jordan Rift Valley in spring, tb020506939
Jordan Rift, Wadi Farah view from Alexandrium Sartaba, tb120806841
Jordan River near Nahal Jabbok aerial from west, tb121704099
Jordan River near Nahal Jabbok aerial from west, tb121704106
Jordan River, tb020506945
Phasaelis from south, tb120806855
Phasaelis from southeast, tb120806857
Salim spring area, tbs99059810
Salim view looking north, tbs99049810
Salim view looking northeast, tbs99039810
Salim view of Transjordan, tbs99029810
Salim water ponds, tbs99019810
Tel Rehov aerial from east, tb121704086
Tel Rehov excavations of southern trench, tb022207302
Tel Rehov excavations of southern trench, tb022207303
Tel Rehov excavations of southern trench, tb022207304
Tel Rehov excavations of southern trench, tb022207305
Tel Rehov tell from west, tb022207296
Tell es-Saidiyeh, Zarethan from west, tb032505890
Vegetable stand in Jordan Rift, tb020506942
Wadi Farah view from Alexandrium Sartaba, tb120806842
Kiriath Jearim Area (52)
Abu Gosh and Kiriath Jearim, tb032000100
Abu Gosh view from west to Jerusalem, tb110602100
Burial cave near Kiriath Jearim, tb092504799
Burial cave near Kiriath Jearim, tb092504804
El-Qubeibeh church of Emmaus exterior, tb021705550
El-Qubeibeh church of Emmaus exterior, tb021705553
El-Qubeibeh church of Emmaus interior, tb021705560
El-Qubeibeh, possible Emmaus, aerial, tb010703136
Elvis Inn, tb120899100
Har Adar observation tower, tb051306224
Har Adar tanks, tb051306193
Har Adar, Radar Hill, from southeast, tb090906974
Har HaRuah Iron Age fortress remains, tb090206661
Har HaRuah Iron Age fortress remains, tb090206666
Kiriath Jearim aerial from north, df010703128
Kiriath Jearim and Yad HaShmonah panorama from northwest, tb090206621
Kiriath Jearim Byzantine church mosaic, tb110602101
Kiriath Jearim church interior, tb110602102
Kiriath Jearim from east, tb032000102
Kiriath Jearim from west, tb121102100
Kiriath Jearim Latin inscription with IMP CAE, tb110602103
Kiriath Jearim Mary and ark statue from below, tb110602104
Kiriath Jearim modern church, tb110602105
Kiriath Jearim ridge from Har Adar to Nebi Samwil, tb011007421
Kiriath Jearim ridge from Neve Ilan to Nebi Samwil panorama, tb011007420
Kiriath Jearim ridge from south, tb020305241
Nahal Yitla hillside, tb032906006
Roman road at el-Qubeibeh church of Emmaus, tb021705558
Sunset over Mediterranean, tb102806225
Sunset over Mediterranean, tb102806245
Sunset over Mediterranean, tb102806251
Terraces with sheep near Qatne, tb021705547
Yad HaShmonah aerial from north, df010703137
Yad HaShmonah almond trees and arch, tb010706310
Yad HaShmonah and Neve Ilan panorama from northwest, tb090206629
Yad HaShmonah biblical gardens from west, tb021401100
Yad HaShmonah from north, tb090206617
Yad HaShmonah guest house with snow, tb012800100
Yad HaShmonah mikveh, tb020103101
Yad HaShmonah milestone, tb061803474
Yad HaShmonah olive press, tb020103102
Yad HaShmonah plaza with snow, tb012800101
Yad HaShmonah plaza, tb121799100
Yad HaShmonah reception building, tb121799101
Yad HaShmonah spring, tb020103103
Yad HaShmonah synagogue, tb010706314
Yad HaShmonah threshing floor with sledges and winnowing forks, tb060103400
Yad HaShmonah tomb, tb020103104
Yad HaShmonah watchtower, tb020203102
Yad HaShmonah watchtower, tb061803476
Yad HaShmonah winepress, tb020203104
Yad HaShmonah winepress, tb021401101
Megiddo (54)
Megiddo 10th century casemate wall, tb011400106
Megiddo aerial from east, tb121704995
Megiddo aerial from north, tbs120310011
Megiddo aerial from northeast, tbs120210011
Megiddo aerial from northwest, tb121704980
Megiddo aerial from northwest, tb121704983
Megiddo aerial from south, tbs120240011
Megiddo aerial from southeast, tb121704999
Megiddo aerial from west, tb121704973
Megiddo and Jezreel Valley aerial from west, tb121704968
Megiddo and Megiddo pass aerial from south, tb121704960
Megiddo and Mount Carmel aerial from east, tbs120150011
Megiddo ashlar masonry with piers and quoins, tb053005428
Megiddo Early Bronze north temple and sacrificial altar, tb102402101
Megiddo Early Bronze sacrificial altar aerial, tbs120360011
Megiddo Early Bronze sacrificial altar, tb011106358
Megiddo Early Bronze sacrificial altar, tb032604131
Megiddo Early Bronze temples aerial from north, tb121704992
Megiddo Early Bronze temples aerial from west, tb121704009
Megiddo Early Bronze temples area, tb032507604
Megiddo eastern end of tell aerial from west, tb121704008
Megiddo excavations, tb032507603
Megiddo excavations, tb053005419
Megiddo from northwest, tb040100103
Megiddo Gallery 629 watersystem, tb011400107
Megiddo Gallery 629 watersystem, tb011400108
Megiddo gate area aerial from north, tb121704010
Megiddo grain silo aerial from east, tb121704998
Megiddo grain silo, tb032507602
Megiddo Iron Age outer gate area, tb011210433
Megiddo Iron Age watersystem tunnel, tb052807016
Megiddo Middle Bronze gate chamber, tb032604119
Megiddo Middle Bronze gate, tb032507607
Megiddo Middle Bronze gate, tb032901104
Megiddo northern area of tell aerial from north, tb121704991
Megiddo northern palace, tb032604133
Megiddo northern palace, tb052807006
Megiddo northern stables, tb032507592
Megiddo pass aerial from northeast, tbs1201400113
Megiddo pass and Umm el-Fahm aerial from west, tb121704955
Megiddo pillared building, tb102402106
Megiddo Solomonic gate, tb032507606
Megiddo Solomonic gate, tb032604116
Megiddo southern stables aerial from south, tb121704001
Megiddo southern stables with manger and tethering posts, tb053005430
Megiddo southern stables, tb032507596
Megiddo spring, tb011400110
Megiddo stables and courtyard, tb052906625
Megiddo watersystem aerial from southeast, tb121704000
Megiddo watersystem staircase down, tb011400112
Megiddo watersystem staircase down, tb011400113
Megiddo watersystem, tb032507599
Megiddo western end of tell aerial from south, tb121704003
Mount Carmel with Megiddo pass aerial from northwest, tb121704956
Michmash and Geba (39)
Caves in cliffs near Michmash and Geba, tb092706117
Caves in cliffs near Michmash and Geba, tb092706134
Cistern near Michmash, tb051808068
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba aerial from east, tbs105229905
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba aerial from east, tbs105239905
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba aerial from south, tbs105249905
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba from south panorama, tb092706105
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba from south, tb092706144
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba from southeast, tb092706140
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba from southwest, tb092706114
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba from west, tb092706149
Cliffs near Michmash and Geba, tb092706096
Cliffs near Michmash and the Pass, tb020503101
Cliffs near Michmash and the Pass, tb020503102
Geba and Gibeah of Saul from northeast, tb120806783
Geba and Michmash from southwest, tb092706191
Geba from Gibeah of Saul, tb122201101
Geba from south, tb091405116
Geba from south, tbs44279009
Girl on donkey with sheep near Maale Michmash, tb031405314
Maale Michmash from south with Bedouin tents, tb031405297
Michmash aerial, tbs105179905
Michmash and cliffs from southeast, tb092706121
Michmash and Jerusalem from northeast, tb120806784
Michmash and the Pass aerial from southeast, tb010703130
Michmash and the Pass from south panorama, tb09270618p
Michmash and Wadi Suwenit from southwest, tb092706072
Michmash area from northeast panorama, tb120806788
Michmash from north, tb091405117
Michmash from south, tb092706094
Michmash with shepherd and sheep, tb020503107
Michmash, Mukmas modern Arab village, tb051808073
Michmash, the Pass, Geba from northwest panorama, tb092706211
Sheep grazing near Wadi Makkuk, tb020503108
Tell Miryam from south, tb092706074
Tell Miryam near Michmash from north, tb020503111
The Pass aerial from Michmash, tbs105199905
The Pass aerial from north, tbs105169905
Wadi Suwenit near cliffs of Michmash, tb092706111
Mount Carmel (46)
Daliyat el-Carmel, Druze village, tb040100100
Haifa University from south, tb050403100
Horses in pasture on Mount Carmel, tb050403101
Jokneam pass in Mount Carmel from Dor, tbs104049904
Jokneam pass in Mount Carmel from Jokneam, tbs104059904
Kishon pass and Mount Carmel from Jokneam, tbs104069904
Kishon pass from east, tbs93189708
Kishon River and valley from Mount Carmel, tb052200100
Kishon River, tb052200101
Mount Carmel ancient aqueduct in Wadi Oren, tb050403102
Mount Carmel and Mediterranean from east, tb050403103
Mount Carmel and Mediterranean from east, tb050403105
Mount Carmel and outskirts of Haifa from south, tb050403106
Mount Carmel cave with prehistoric remains, tb050900100
Mount Carmel cave with prehistoric remains, tb050900101
Mount Carmel forest, tb052304897
Mount Carmel forest, tb052304907
Mount Carmel from Jokneam, tbs104079904
Mount Carmel near Bet Oren, tb050403108
Mount Carmel oak tree, tb032604107
Mount Carmel quarry near Bet Oren, tb050403110
Mount Carmel quarry near Ramat HaNadiv, tb090506765
Mount Carmel south of Wadi Oren, tb050403111
Mount Carmel southern end, tb052500101
Mount Carmel to northwest, tb040100106
Mount Carmel view to southeast, tb040100107
Mount Carmel villages near Taanach aerial from east, tbs120110011
Mount Carmel Wadi Oren, tb050403113
Mount Carmel Wadi Oren, tb050403114
Muhraqa and Mount Carmel aerial from east, bb00180053
Muhraqa and Mount Carmel aerial from southeast, bb00180049
Muhraqa Carmelite monastery, tb102302100
Muhraqa from below, tb040100108
Muhraqa from south, tb040100109
Muhraqa place of sacrifice, tb052806610
Muhraqa place of sacrifice, tb052806613
Muhraqa statue of Elijah on Mount Carmel, tb011112415
Muhraqa statue of Elijah on Mount Carmel, tb011400103
Muhraqa traditional place of altar, tb052806614
Muhraqa traditional place of altar, tb052806620
Muhraqa traditional place of sacrifice, tbs91109704
Olive press near Megiddo, tb052906624
Rolling stone tomb loculi, tb011400117
Rolling stone tomb near Megiddo, tb032604103
Rolling stone tomb near Megiddo, tb032604104
Sunset from Mount Carmel, tb050303100
Ramat HaNadiv (27)
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur aqueduct, tb090506716
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur aqueduct, tb090506726
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur bathhouse caldarium, tb090506731
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur bathhouse, tb090506733
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur pool and aqueduct, tb090506719
Ramat HaNadiv Ein Tzur pool, tb090506728
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav Byzantine stables, tb090506744
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav Byzantine villa, tb090506749
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav Byzantine villa, tb090506759
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav mikveh, tb090506747
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav Roman winepress, tb090506752
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav threshing floor, tb090506755
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet el-Aqav winepress and well, tb090506774
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq columbarium, tb090506696
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa columbarium, tb090506714
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa wall, tb090506698
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa watchtower floor, tb090506707
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa watchtower, tb090506711
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa, tb090506703
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa, tb090506704
Ramat HaNadiv Khirbet Eleq Roman villa, tb090506710
Ramat HaNadiv Rothschild gardens, tb090506670
Ramat HaNadiv Rothschild gardens, tb090506671
Ramat HaNadiv Rothschild gardens, tb090506776
Ramat HaNadiv Rothschild gardens, tb090506779
Ramat HaNadiv Rothschild grave, tb090506674
Ramat HaNadiv stone quarry, tb090506681
Samaria (86)
Alexandrium Sartaba from northeast, tb040700100
Baal Hazor from southeast, tb020503100
Bedouin preparing tea, with sheep, tb031405273
Cistern cover in eastern Samaria, tb031405369
Dothan aerial from southeast, bb00200055
Dothan ancient cemetery looted tomb, tb070507883
Dothan ancient tomb, tb070507903
Dothan ancient tomb, tb070507906
Dothan tell and valley from east, tb070507884
Dothan tell from west, tb070507869
Dothan tell with ruins, tb070507890
Dothan tell with ruins, tb070507892
Dothan tell with spring house, tb070507907
Dothan tell with well, tb070507875
Dothan valley from south, tb050800101
Dothan valley panorama, tb070507897
Dothan valley view west from tell, tb070507895
Dothan valley with flocks, tb070507915
Dothan Valley with shepherd and flock, tbs78209312
Eastern Samaria mountains sloping to Jordan Rift, tb031405458
Eastern Samaria mountains sloping to Jordan Rift, tb031405459
Ein Samiya area of Intermediate Bronze shaft tombs, tb020503104
Ein Samiya area of Intermediate Bronze shaft tombs, tb051207357
Ein Samiya Intermediate Bronze shaft tomb cross section, tb051207356
Ein Samiya Intermediate Bronze shaft tomb, tb051207361
Ein Samiya Intermediate Bronze shaft tomb, tb051207362
Ein Samiya Intermediate Bronze shaft tombs, tb020503105
Ein Samiya view from above, tbs98289805
Green hillsides in spring in eastern Samaria, tb031405461
Green hillsides in spring in eastern Samaria, tb031405462
Hills of eastern Samaria, tb120806829
Hills of Samaria near Shechem, tb050106427
Lebonah valley, tb070507648
Lebonah, Khan el-Lubban entrance, tb051207335
Lebonah, Khan el-Lubban interior, tb051207338
Lebonah, Khan el-Lubban, tb070507646
Man plowing with horse in eastern Samaria, tb031405424
Mountains south of Wadi Farah aerial from east, tb121704133
Olive grove in wadi bed in eastern Samaria, tb031405455
Olive trees along ridge route in Ephraim, tb051207293
Olive trees along ridge route in Ephraim, tb051207297
Olive trees along ridge route in Ephraim, tb051207303
Olive trees in field of rocks in Ephraim, tb051207306
Olive trees on terraces in Ephraim hill country, tb051207289
Olive trees on terraces in Ephraim hill country, tb051207312
Plowed field in eastern Samaria, tb031405397
Plowed field in eastern Samaria, tb031405404
Plowed field in eastern Samaria, tb031405415
Plowed field near Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim, tb022007984
Rammun, Rimmon aerial from southeast, tb121704150
Rammun, Rimmon, from east, tb022007981
Red flowers in eastern Samaria, tb031405305
Rimonim Jewish settlement aerial from south, tb121704145
Samaria hill country with fertile valley, tb041106372
Sanur and route to Samaria aerial, bb00200056
Shechem to Tirzah panorama, tb12080681p
Sheep and watchtower near Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim, tb051207403
Sheep grazing near Shechem, tb050106437
Shepherd with flock of sheep in eastern Samaria, tb031405447
Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim and Baal Hazor aerial from southeast, tb121704147
Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim road from Jericho aerial from east, tb121704146
Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim view from distance, tbs98259805
Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim, church welcoming Jesus, tb051207400
Terraced hillside near Timnath-serah, Khirbet Tibnah, tb071304473
Terraces in Ephraim hill country, tb051207287
Timnath-serah, Khirbet Tibnah, capital on summit, tb071304480
Timnath-serah, Khirbet Tibnah, cuttings in rock, tb071304468
Timnath-serah, Khirbet Tibnah, from east, tb071304492
Tirzah aerial from east, bb00170005
Tirzah aerial from north, bb00170002
Tirzah aerial from north, bb00170011
Tirzah aerial from south, bb00170013
Tirzah view north towards Bezek, tbs78189312
Tirzah wall dividing the rich and poor, tbs78169312
Valley with plowed and planted fields in Ephraim, tb051207333
Wadi Beidan from south, tb050106420
Wadi Farah aerial from southeast, tb121704110
Wadi Farah aerial from southeast, tb121704113
Wadi Farah and Jordan Rift from south, tb040700105
Wadi Farah, Alexandrium Sartaba aerial from southeast, tb121704131
Watchtower and terraces near Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim, tb051207415
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207283
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb051207332
Watchtower in Ephraim hill country, tb070507643
Watchtower near Taiyibeh, Ophrah, Ephraim, tb051207413
Wheatfield in eastern Samaria, tb031405339
Samaria-Sebaste (61)
Olive grove at Samaria, tb050106580
Olive trees and colored grass at Samaria, tb050106538
Samaria acropolis aerial from east, bb00200074
Samaria acropolis aerial from north, bb00200060
Samaria acropolis, area of possible royal tombs, tb070507812
Samaria acropolis, escarpments with possible royal tombs, tb070507805
Samaria acropolis, possible royal tomb interior, tb070507786
Samaria acropolis, possible royal tomb interior, tb070507801
Samaria acropolis, possible royal tomb, tb070507767
Samaria acropolis, possible royal tomb, tb070507770
Samaria aerial from north, bb00200059
Samaria and Mount Ebal from north, tb050800104
Samaria Church of John the Baptist interior, tb070507835
Samaria Church of John the Baptist well with Ionic capital fragment, tb050106546
Samaria Church of St John interior, tb070507845
Samaria Church of St John interior, tb070507850
Samaria Church of St John minaret, tb070507846
Samaria Church of St John view to interior, tb070507844
Samaria Church of St John, tb070507843
Samaria excavations along Roman street, tb070507684
Samaria from north, tb050800105
Samaria from north, tb050800106
Samaria from north, tb070507860
Samaria from west, tb050106488
Samaria Hellenistic Roman western fortifications, tb050106596
Samaria Hellenistic tower and Israelite wall, tb070507717
Samaria Hellenistic tower with view north, tb070507741
Samaria Hellenistic tower, tb070507739
Samaria Herodian stadium columns, tb050106574
Samaria Herodian stadium from east, tb050106565
Samaria Herodian stadium from north, tb050106563
Samaria Herodian stadium from southeast, tb050106573
Samaria Herodian temple and Israelite acropolis aerial from east, bb00200058
Samaria Herodian temple masonry, tb050106522
Samaria Herodian temple steps, tbs56129012
Samaria Herodian temple, tb050106508
Samaria Herodian temple, tb050106510
Samaria Herodian temple, tb070507752
Samaria Iron Age acropolis ashlar masonry, tb050106520
Samaria Iron Age acropolis excavations, tb050106524
Samaria Iron Age acropolis excavations, tb050106529
Samaria Iron Age acropolis excavations, tb050106535
Samaria Iron Age acropolis from north, tb070507818
Samaria Iron Age acropolis ruins, tbs56119012
Samaria Iron Age casemate walls, tb050106528
Samaria Israelite wall with fugitive course, tb070507734
Samaria Israelite wall, tb070507720
Samaria Israelite wall, tb070507723
Samaria Israelite wall, tb070507726
Samaria Israelite wall, tb070507730
Samaria Roman basilica aerial from east, bb00200062
Samaria Roman basilica and forum, tb070507840
Samaria Roman basilica apse, tb050106495
Samaria Roman basilica, tb050106492
Samaria Roman basilica, tb050106554
Samaria Roman colonnaded street, tb050106582
Samaria Roman colonnaded street, tb050106592
Samaria Roman theater with view north, tb070507744
Samaria Roman theater, tb070507712
Samaria Roman western gate tower, tb050106597
Samaria view southeast to Mount Ebal, tb070507836
Sharon Plain (40)
Aphek aerial from west, bb00010064
Aphek earlier wall below Turkish fort wall, tb032504023
Aphek Egyptian governor’s residence, tb032504018
Aphek Egyptian governor’s residence, tbs91069704
Aphek Turkish fort from south, tb052501100
Aphek Turkish fort from west, tb032801101
Aphek Turkish fort northwest tower, tb100505479
Aphek Turkish fort with lake, tb052905334
Aphek Turkish fort, tb052304856
Aphek view of Sharon Plain and headwaters of Yarkon, tbs91079704
Aphek, Antipatris, Roman road, tb032504011
Apollonia Crusader castle aerial from west, tb121704904
Apollonia from south, tb090506926
Apollonia Roman villa excavations from south, tb090506924
Atad tree at Aphek, tb100505473
Atlit Crusader castle from Mount Carmel, tb052400100
Atlit Crusader castle, tbs93149708
Atlit from east, mm091010101
Coastline south of Hadera, tb121704911
Fishing boat in Mediterranean near Apollonia, tb090506925
Herodian aqueduct foundations near Tel Mevorakh, tb052500100
Herodian aqueduct near Tel Mevorakh with Roman inscription, tbs103329904
Herodian aqueduct turn near Tel Mevorakh, tbs103339904
Herzliya and coastline north of Tel Aviv aerial from southwest, tb121704900
Izbet Sartah, Ebenezer, four-room house, tb050106606
Izbet Sartah, Ebenezer, Israelite grain silo, four-room house, tb050106616
Izbet Sartah, Ebenezer, Israelite grain silo, tb050106615
Kurkar ridge cross-section, tbs93159708
Kurkar ridge near Dor, tb090506789
Mazor Roman mausoleum, tbs93069708
Migdal Aphek Crusader castle from west, tb082304343
Migdal Aphek Crusader castle ruins, tb032504009
Migdal Aphek Crusader castle view west panorama, tb032504888
Migdal Aphek Crusader castle, tb050800103
Nahal Taninim and Sharon Plain from east, tb052500103
Netanya aerial from southwest, tb121704910
Sharon Plain and Caesarea from Mount Carmel, view south, tb090506761
Sharon plain north of Aphek, tb100505476
Tel Mevorakh excavations with Mount Carmel, tbs103289904
Tel Mevorakh from above, tb052500104
Shechem and Mount Gerizim (64)
Balata refugee camp near Shechem, tb051807704
Farmer plowing with donkey near Mount Gerizim, tb050106348
Fields near Shechem, tb050106475
Michmethath Valley from northeast, tb050106418
Michmethath Valley view east from Mount Gerizim, tb070507678
Michmethath Valley view north from Mount Gerizim, tb051807700
Mount Ebal and Shechem from Mount Gerizim, tb070507676
Mount Ebal and Sychar from east, tb070507662
Mount Ebal and Sychar from east, tb120806819
Mount Ebal from east, tb011300107
Mount Ebal from Mount Gerizim, tb041106549
Mount Ebal, Shechem and Michmethath panorama, tb052106504
Mount Gerizim from east, tb050106405
Mount Gerizim summit aerial from west, bb00120055
Mount Gerizim summit aerial from west, bb00120082
Mount Gerizim summit and Tell er-Ras aerial from north, bb00120057
Mount Gerizim summit Byzantine church and walls on west, tb041106501
Mount Gerizim summit Byzantine church, from east, tb070507668
Mount Gerizim summit Byzantine church, tb031807242
Mount Gerizim summit Byzantine church, tb041106502
Mount Gerizim summit Byzantine wall with Samaritan foundation, tb031807245
Mount Gerizim summit excavations north of Byzantine church, tb041106497
Mount Gerizim summit remains east of Byzantine church, tb031807253
Mount Gerizim summit remains south of Byzantine church, tb031807246
Mount Gerizim summit Samaritan temple olive press, tb031807241
Mount Gerizim summit Samaritan temple steps from above, tb031807240
Mount Gerizim summit Samaritan temple steps, tb031807251
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras aerial from northeast, bb00120063
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras from Shechem, Tell Balata, tb011300109
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras from south, tb031807258
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras from south, tb041106603
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras Roman temple excavations, tb041106572
Mount Gerizim Tell er-Ras Roman temple steps, tb041106569
Mount Gerizim view looking east with Mount Ebal on left, tbs78139312
Mount Gerizim with Mount Ebal, tbs56039012
Mount Gerizim, Shechem, and Mount Ebal from east, tb050106458
Mount Gerizim, Shechem, Mount Ebal from east panorama, tb050106401
Mount Gerizim, Shechem, Mount Ebal from east, tb050106388
Mount Gerizim, Shechem, Mount Ebal from east, tb070507660
Nablus from above, tb070507671
Nablus from Mount Gerizim, tb070507669
Nablus from Mount Gerizim, tb070507670
Nablus, Shechem, from east, tb050106416
Shechem aerial from north, bb00120099
Shechem and Mounts Gerizim and Ebal aerial from east, bb00120041
Shechem and Sychar from Mount Gerizim, tb052106502
Shechem Jacob’s Well Greek Orthodox church from Mount Gerizim, tb041106595
Shechem Jacob’s Well Greek Orthodox church from Mount Gerizim, tb051807702
Shechem Jacob’s Well Greek Orthodox church from Mount Gerizim, tb051807703
Shechem Jacob’s Well Greek Orthodox church interior, tb011300105
Shechem with Jacob’s Well Greek Orthodox church from east, tb070507664
Shechem, modern Nablus, from east, tb070507663
Shechem, Mount Ebal, Sychar from Mount Gerizim, tb070507675
Shechem, Tell Balata, Baal Berith temple from south, tb011300111
Shechem, Tell Balata, Baal Berith temple, tb011300112
Shechem, Tell Balata, from Mount Gerizim, tb052106503
Shechem, Tell Balata, from Mount Gerizim, tb070507673
Shechem, Tell Balata, Middle Bronze Gate, tb011300113
Shechem, Tell Balata, Middle Bronze wall, tb011300114
Shechem, Tell Balata, standing stone, tb011300115
Sychar from south, tb051807706
Sychar from south, tb051807707
Tirzah from south, tb120806809
Wadi Farah and Tirzah area from south, tb120806810
Shiloh (41)
Shiloh aerial from east, bb00120068
Shiloh aerial from northwest, bb00120075
Shiloh area of tabernacle from south, tb052106500
Shiloh area of tabernacle from west, tb041106418
Shiloh area of tabernacle, tb051808074
Shiloh area of tabernacle, tb051808076
Shiloh bedrock and ruins, tb120806894
Shiloh Byzantine basilica excavations, tb120806870
Shiloh Byzantine basilica from south, tb041106377
Shiloh Byzantine basilica interior, tb041106381
Shiloh Byzantine basilica mosaic Star of David, tb041106384
Shiloh Byzantine basilica mosaic, grapevine, tb120806884
Shiloh Byzantine basilica mosaic, tb041106383
Shiloh Byzantine basilica mosaic, tb120806880
Shiloh Byzantine basilica mosaic, tb120806887
Shiloh excavations on southwest side, tb010212234
Shiloh excavations on southwest side, tb010212239
Shiloh excavations on southwest side, tb010212242
Shiloh from east, tb120806865
Shiloh from north, tb041106420
Shiloh from south, tb041106376
Shiloh from southeast, tb070507622
Shiloh from southeast, tb070507623
Shiloh from southeast, tb070507641
Shiloh from west, tb041106456
Shiloh from west, tb041106470
Shiloh from west, tb120806860
Shiloh Iron Age I houses, time of Samuel, tb010110499
Shiloh Iron I houses, tb120806897
Shiloh Jama es-Sittin mosque, tb070507627
Shiloh Middle Bronze glacis, tb041106407
Shiloh Middle Bronze wall, tb051808079
Shiloh Mosque of the Orphans and Byzantine basilica excavations, tb120806875
Shiloh Mosque of the Orphans, tb041106442
Shiloh olive press, tb010212244
Shiloh press used for wine and oil, tb041106417
Shiloh ruins from north, tb051808075
Shiloh ruins with watchtower, tb052106496
Shiloh ruins, tb052106495
Shiloh staircase to underground room, tb120806895
Shiloh synagogue resembling tabernacle, tb070507620