- Pictorial Library
- Galilea y el Norte
- Samaria y el Centro
- Jerusalén
- Judá y el Mar Muerto
- El Néguev y el Desierto
- Jordania
- Egipto
- Líbano
- Este y Centro de Turquía
- Turquía Occidental
- Grecia
- Las Islas Griegas
- Chipre y Creta
- Italia y Malta
- Roma
- Arboles, Plantas y Flores de la Tierra Santa
- Imágenes Culturales de la Tierra Santa
- Señalizaciones en la Tierra Santa
- Colección Completa
Pictorial Library

El Néguev y el Desierto
Todas las imágenes son archivos jpeg de alta resolución (1600 x 1200 ó más), ideales para proyectar en el salón de clase, para imprimir o ver en la pantalla de su computador. Cada DVD incluye presentaciones PowerPoint para cada región (con anotaciones en inglés) y un índice.
Más información sobre los sitios en este Volumen
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Arabah
- Arad
- Beersheba
- Biblical Negev
- Eilat
- Machteshim
- Nabatean Cities
- Nahal Zin
- Negev Highlands
- Spice Route
- Tabernacle Model
- Western Negev
- Wilderness
Arabah (34)
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim modern road from above, tb042207882
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, ancient quarry, tb010712180
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, ancient quarry, tb010712181
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, Roman steps, tb010712170
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, Roman steps, tb042207884
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, Roman steps, tb042207914
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, Roman steps, tb042207915
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, Roman steps, tb042207920
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb010712168
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb010712174
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207883
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207899
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207902
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207906
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207913
Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, view east panorama, tb010712177p
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, corner tower, tb022804739
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Edomite shrine, tb010712156
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, excavations, tb030807182
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, fortress tower, tb030807191
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, four-room house, tb010712157
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Iron Age gate chamber, tb010712160
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Iron Age gate chamber, tb010712161
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Iron Age gate, tb010712159
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Iron Age gate, tb022804727
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Roman bathhouse, tb030807181
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, Roman bathhouse, tbs95309712
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, ruins, tb010710939
Ein Hatzeva, Tamar, shrine outside gate, tb022804736
Fossils at Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207917
Horvat Sapir above Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207885
Rogem Sapir below Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207890
Rogem Sapir below Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207894
Wadi Gov by Ascent of Scorpions, Maale Aqrabbim, tb042207923
Arad (58)
Arad aerial from east, tb010703512
Arad aerial from northeast, tb010703513
Arad aerial from south, tb010703514
Arad aerial from south, tb121704270
Arad aerial from southwest, tb121704284
Arad aerial from west, tb010703515
Arad aerial from west, tb010703516
Arad and eastern Negev basin aerial from ne, tb010703505
Arad area of Early Bronze reservoir, tb022604638
Arad Early Bronze city from above, tb110702403
Arad Early Bronze city from Israelite fortress, dlb022801205
Arad Early Bronze city from Israelite fortress, tb030607853
Arad Early Bronze city from Israelite fortress, tbs50289011
Arad Early Bronze city gate, tb022801207
Arad Early Bronze city wall with Israelite fortress, tb022801214
Arad Early Bronze city wall with semi-circular tower, tb022801213
Arad Early Bronze city wall, tb022604623
Arad Early Bronze city wall, tb022801209
Arad Early Bronze house and Israelite fortress, tb022801218
Arad Early Bronze house from distance, tb110702406
Arad Early Bronze house interior, tb022604628
Arad Early Bronze house with annex room, tb022801217
Arad Early Bronze house with roof, tb010512820
Arad Early Bronze house, tb110702408
Arad Early Bronze remains aerial from north, tb010703506
Arad Early Bronze remains aerial from southwest, tb010703507
Arad Early Bronze sacrificial altar, tb110702404
Arad Early Bronze semi-circular tower, tb022801211
Arad Early Bronze street, tb022604633
Arad Early Bronze temple favissa, tb022604637
Arad Early Bronze temple, tb022604635
Arad Early Bronze twin temple, tb062400131
Arad excavations outside Israelite fortress, tb052406515
Arad Iron Age and Roman well, tb030607839
Arad Iron Age and Roman well, tbs50309011
Arad Israelite fort aerial from east, tb010703508
Arad Israelite fort aerial from south, tb010703509
Arad Israelite fort aerial from west, tb010703510
Arad Israelite fort east side, tb110702409
Arad Israelite fort view to west, tb110702411
Arad Israelite fort with serrated wall, tb110702412
Arad Israelite fort with serrated wall, tb110702413
Arad Israelite fort with towers, tb110702414
Arad Israelite fortress aerial from east, bb00100058
Arad Israelite fortress from Early Bronze city, tb030607843
Arad Israelite fortress from Early Bronze gate, tb030607844
Arad Israelite fortress interior, tb030607851
Arad Israelite fortress water system, tb022604641
Arad Israelite fortress, tb030607850
Arad Israelite temple Holy of Holies, tb010512824
Arad Israelite temple Holy of Holies, tb062400132
Arad Israelite temple sacrificial altar, tb010512828
Arad Israelite temple sacrificial altar, tb062400135
Arad Israelite temple, tb030607848
Arad Israelite temple, tb062400134
Arad modern city aerial from northwest, tb010703511
Arad tell from south, tb022801221
Arad view to north from fortress, tb022801222
Beersheba (57)
Beersheba approach road to gate, tb122304336
Beersheba approach road to gate, tb122304341
Beersheba basement building, tb062400142
Beersheba excavations, tb122304354
Beersheba four-horned altar replica with man clinging to horn, tb110702420
Beersheba four-horned altar replica, tb110702422
Beersheba four-horned altar replica, tb122304366
Beersheba gate, well and tamarisk tree, tb062400143
Beersheba governor’s residence, tb122304344
Beersheba Iron Age gate with benches, tb052407946
Beersheba Iron Age gate with benches, tb052407951
Beersheba Iron Age gate, tb052505008
Beersheba Iron Age glacis, tb030607821
Beersheba Iron Age glacis, tbs49209011
Beersheba Iron Age ring road, tb110702424
Beersheba Iron Age ring road, tbs49199011
Beersheba Iron Age watersystem entrance inside city, tb051904725
Beersheba Iron Age watersystem interior, tb051904735
Beersheba Iron Age watersystem shaft inside city, tb051904724
Beersheba Iron Age watersystem, tb110702431
Beersheba Iron Age watersystem, tb122304329
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb051904721
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb052407934
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb052505998
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb110702425
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb122304348
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tb122304349
Beersheba Israelite four-room house, tbs71339211
Beersheba location of altar suggested by Yadin, tb022604615
Beersheba modern city aerial from north, tb010703520
Beersheba modern city aerial from northwest, tb010703521
Beersheba region of tell aerial from northwest, tb010703522
Beersheba region of tell aerial from northwest, tb010703523
Beersheba tell aerial from east, tb010703524
Beersheba tell aerial from north, tb010703525
Beersheba tell aerial from northwest, tb010703526
Beersheba tell aerial from south, tb010703527
Beersheba tell aerial from south, tb010703528
Beersheba tell aerial from southwest, tb010703529
Beersheba tell aerial from southwest, tb010703530
Beersheba tell from east, tb030607826
Beersheba tell from east, tb030607830
Beersheba tell from north, tb042207956
Beersheba tripartite pillared building, storehouse, tb122304352
Beersheba tripartite pillared building, storehouse, tb122304360
Beersheba tripartite pillared buildings, storehouses, tb052505002
Beersheba tripartite pillared buildings, storehouses, tb122304351
Beersheba view of tell, tb110702430
Beersheba view to east, tb030607818
Beersheba wall and well, tb022801230
Beersheba well and tamarisk tree, tb122304334
Beersheba well of Abraham, tb122203421
Camels near Beersheba, tb010510832
Nahal Beersheba east of tell, tb122304331
Nahal Beersheba with sheep at water, tb110702468
Shepherd with sheep near Beersheba, tb042207955
Shepherds with sheep near Beersheba, tb042207947
Biblical Negev (67)
Aroer excavations on eastern side, tb032107394
Aroer from east, tb032107366
Aroer from east, tb032107368
Aroer Herodian fortress, tb032107386
Aroer Israelite wall on eastern side, tb032107388
Bedouin houses near Horvat Qitmit, tb032107362
Bedouin houses near Horvat Qitmit, tb032107365
Esdar area from east, tb032107376
Horvat Qitmit from east, tb032107357
Horvat Radum Judean fort from north, tb032107408
Horvat Radum Judean fort from north, tb032107409
Horvat Radum Judean fort from south, tb032107401
Horvat Uza Judean fort from north, tb032107420
Horvat Uza Judean fort from south, tb032107428
Horvat Uza Judean fort from west, tb032107415
Horvat Uza Judean fort gateway, tb032107424
Horvat Uza Judean fort western side, tb032107417
Horvat Uza Judean fort western wall, tb032107431
Horvat Uza view south toward Horvat Radum, tb032107430
Muslim cemetery near Tell Masos, tb122304323
Nahal Qina, road to Edom, from Horvat Uza Judean fort, tb032107427
Negev east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703591
Negev east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703592
Negev east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703593
Negev east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703594
Negev east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703595
Negev hills near Horvat Radum, tb032107395
Negev hills north of Beersheba, tb010503597
Negev hills south of Horvat Radum, tb032107398
Negev north of Beersheba aerial, tb010703598
Negev north of Beersheba aerial, tb010703599
Negev south of Tel Ira, tb032107276
Negev south of Tel Ira, tb032107278
Negev west of Arad aerial, tb010703596
Northern Negev wadis aerial, tb010703607
Sheep and shepherd near Tel Malhata, tb032107267
Shepherd with flock near Esdar, tb032107371
Sun and clouds near Beersheba, tb010503620
Sunset near Beersheba, tb010503621
Tel Ira Area M excavations, tb032107287
Tel Ira Area M excavations, tb032107289
Tel Ira eastern excavations, tb032107308
Tel Ira eastern excavations, tb032107313
Tel Ira excavations on eastern side with steps, tb032107306
Tel Ira excavations on eastern side, tb032107304
Tel Ira excavations on eastern side, tb032107305
Tel Ira excavations on northern side, tb032107290
Tel Ira excavations on northern side, tb032107291
Tel Ira excavations, tb032107312
Tel Ira from east, tb032107340
Tel Ira gate area from north, tb032107322
Tel Ira Iron Age burial cave panorama, tb032107334
Tel Ira Iron Age burial cave, tb032107326
Tel Ira Iron Age burial cave, tb032107327
Tel Ira Iron Age burial cave, tb032107328
Tel Ira Iron Age burial caves on eastern slope, tb032107342
Tel Ira Iron Age gate area view east, tb032107310
Tel Ira Iron Age gate view east, tb032107307
Tel Ira northern wall, tb032107284
Tel Ira southern wall, tb032107274
Tel Ira southern wall, tb032107279
Tel Ira view southeast from northern side, tb032107297
Tel Malhata from north, tb032107262
Tell Masos, tbs96069712
Tell Masos excavations, tb122304319
Tell Masos excavations, tb122304320
Tell Masos four-room house, tb122304308
Eilat (55)
Acacia tree near Eilat, tb022704005
Aqaba from Eilat, tb110802401
Aqaba with Arab Revolt flag from west, tb052505152
Arabah and Red Sea from west, tb052505130
Eilat and Red Sea aerial from southeast, bb00090024
Eilat and Red Sea at sundown, tb102005149
Eilat and Red Sea before sunrise, tb010610850
Eilat and Red Sea from Mount Zephahot panorama, tb01061291p
Eilat and Red Sea from Mount Zephahot, tb010612915
Eilat and Red Sea from Mount Zephahot, tb030707040
Eilat and Red Sea from Mount Zephahot, tb102005132
Eilat at night, tb030707050
Eilat beach with hotels, tb052505142
Eilat Coral Beach from above, tb110802439
Eilat Coral Beach with reefs, mm090622002
Eilat Coral Beach, tb030707013
Eilat Coral Beach, tb110802440
Eilat fish and coral reef, mf110802445
Eilat from boat on Red Sea, tbs102209812
Eilat from Mount Zephahot, tb102005138
Eilat harbor, tb052505157
Eilat hotels from south, tb110802448
Eilat mountains and city from southwest, tb110802449
Eilat mountains and Red Sea from northwest, mf110802450
Eilat mountains, tb110802451
Eilat Red Sea panorama, tb110802453
Eilat Underwater Observatory, coral and fish, tb052201235
Eilat Underwater Observatory, coral, tb052201237
Eilat Underwater Observatory, coral, tb052201238
Eilat Underwater Observatory, coral, tb052201239
Eilat Underwater Observatory, fish, tb052201241
Eilat Underwater Observatory, fish, tb052201242
Eilat Underwater Observatory, fish, tb052201243
Eilat Underwater Observatory, fish, tb052201244
Eilat Underwater Observatory, fish, tb052201245
Eilat Underwater Observatory, shark, tb052201246
Eilat Underwater Observatory, shark, tb052201247
Eilat Underwater Observatory, shark, tb052201248
Eilat view of Arabah to east, tbs102199812
Ibex near Eilat, tb022704012
Israel-Egyptian border aerial from northeast, bb00090030
Mount Zephahot near Eilat, tb022704015
Red Sea coral reef at Eilat, tb030707012
Red Sea coral reef from above, tb052201236
Red Sea coral reef, tb110802441
Red Sea coral reef, tb110802442
Red Sea coral reef, tb110802444
Red Sea coral reefs looking north, tb052201240
Red Sea from Mount Zephahot at sunset panorama, tb01061294p
Red Sea from Mount Zephahot at sunset, tb010612947
Red Sea from Mount Zephahot with sunset, tb010612920
Red Sea with boat, tb010612902
Red Sea with boat, tb110802482
Red Sea with boat, tbs50189011
Sinai mountains from Eilat, tb022704024
Machteshim (57)
Ammonite Wall fossil, tb010503502
Ammonite Wall fossils, tb010503503
Ammonite Wall, tb010503504
Bush in brick red silt on Geology Trail, tb010503537
Colored rock on Geology Trail, tb010503541
Colored rock on Geology Trail, tb010503542
Colored rock on Geology Trail, tb010503543
Machtesh Gadol from north panorama, tb042007888
Machtesh Gadol from north, tb121701264
Machtesh Gadol from northwest, tb042007431
Machtesh Gadol from northwest, tb121701265
Machtesh Gadol landscape, tb042207842
Machtesh Gadol riverbed, tb042207841
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207830
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207831
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207832
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207834
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207835
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207837
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207840
Machtesh Gadol with colored rock, tb042207845
Machtesh Qatan colored rock, tb042207877
Machtesh Qatan colored rock, tb042207878
Machtesh Qatan from east, tb112500150
Machtesh Qatan interior, tb112500151
Machtesh Qatan panorama, tb042207334
Machtesh Qatan river drain, tb042207879
Machtesh Qatan, tb042207874
Machtesh Ramon at sunrise, tb030707917
Machtesh Ramon at sunrise, tb030707933
Machtesh Ramon at sunrise, tb030707948
Machtesh Ramon from Mount Gevanim, tb010503554
Machtesh Ramon from north panorama, eh01051250p
Machtesh Ramon from north panorama, tb042107656
Machtesh Ramon from north, tb042007527
Machtesh Ramon from north, tb052407974
Machtesh Ramon from south side panorama, tb010503556
Machtesh Ramon from west panorama, tb010403557
Machtesh Ramon from west, df111001266
Machtesh Ramon from west, tb030607908
Machtesh Ramon from west, tb110802467
Machtesh Ramon panorama from north, tb010503555
Machtesh Ramon with climbers, tb052505116
Machtesh Ramon with Mizpe Ramon observatory, tb030707939
Machtesh Ramon, Carpentry Shop prisms, tb010503559
Machtesh Ramon, Carpentry Shop prisms, tb010503560
Machtesh Ramon, Carpentry Shop, tb010503538
Machtesh Ramon, Carpentry Shop, tb010503539
Mezad Mahmal on north rim of Machtesh Ramon, tb042107652
Mezad Mahmal on north rim of Machtesh Ramon, tb042107660
Mizpe Ramon from south, tb010503561
Mizpe Ramon Intermediate Bronze house reconstruction, tb110802463
Mizpe Ramon Intermediate Bronze tumulus reconstruction, tb110802499
Mizpe Ramon Intermediate Bronze tumulus reconstruction, tb110802500
Mountains near Ammonite Wall, tb010503564
Mountains near Ammonite Wall, tb010503565
Nordmarkite stock on Geology Trail, tb010503606
Nabatean Cities (53)
Avdat arch in Byzantine house, tb030607874
Avdat area from city, tb030607893
Avdat area from city, tb030607896
Avdat baptistery near Byzantine North Church, tb110702415
Avdat bathhouse from above, tb110702416
Avdat Byzantine Church of St Theodore, tb030607886
Avdat Byzantine Church of St Theodore, tb062400136
Avdat Byzantine fortress view, tb062400137
Avdat Byzantine fortress with arch in Byzantine house, dlb022801224
Avdat Byzantine fortress, tb062400138
Avdat Byzantine house with arch, dlb022801225
Avdat Byzantine North Church, tb110702417
Avdat farm experiment, tb062400139
Avdat from north, tb042007511
Avdat from south, tb042207826
Avdat metal camels, tb062400140
Avdat sunset through arch in Byzantine house, tbs49359011
Avdat wine cellar entrance, tb110702418
Avdat wine cellar, tb030607904
Avdat winemakers metal reconstruction, tb030607876
Avdat winepress from above, tb110702419
Avdat winepress, tb030607877
Elusa east church, tb121701249
Elusa theater, tb121701251
Elusa well, tb122203412
Mampsis basalt grinding stone, tb121701267
Mampsis eastern church baptistery, tb121701268
Mampsis eastern church, tb121701269
Mampsis excavations from west, tb121701270
Mampsis from northwest, tb121701271
Mampsis Nabatean dam in Nahal Mampsis, tbs72039211
Mampsis Nabatean house of the affluent, tb121701272
Mampsis Nilos Church apse with mosaic, tb121701273
Mampsis Nilos Church mosaic floor, tb121701274
Mampsis Nilos Church mosaic inscription, tb121701275
Mampsis Nilos Church, tb121701276
Mampsis typical Nabatean house, tb121701277
Nessana Central Church from acropolis, tb121701287
Nessana Central Church, tb121701288
Nessana Church of St Mary and Ottoman hospital, tb121701289
Nessana from north, tb010303603
Nessana from south, tb010303604
Nessana lower church cross on threshold, tb010303605
Nessana Ottoman hospital and Byzantine fortress remains, tb121701286
Soubaita excavations, tb121701314
Soubaita excavations, tb121701315
Soubaita north church, tb121701316
Soubaita north church, tb121701317
Soubaita reservoir and south church, tb121701318
Soubaita reservoir, tb121701319
Soubaita South Church baptistery, tb121701313
Soubaita south church, tb121701320
Soubaita winepress, tb121701321
Nahal Zin (25)
Ibex in Nahal Zin, tb102005037
Ibex in Nahal Zin, tb102005042
Ibex in Nahal Zin, tb102005047
Nahal Zin aerial, bb00090084
Nahal Zin aerial, bb00090090
Nahal Zin and Ein Avdat, tb030607858
Nahal Zin and Ein Avdat, tb052407953
Nahal Zin and Ein Avdat, tb052407957
Nahal Zin from northwest, tb010503588
Nahal Zin from northwest, tb030607856
Nahal Zin mountains, tb010503589
Nahal Zin water hole in wilderness, tb052407967
Nahal Zin waterfall and Ein Avdat, mf110802474
Nahal Zin waterfall and Ein Avdat, tb030607866
Nahal Zin, tb010512830
Nahal Zin, tb010512832
Nahal Zin, tb010512833
Nahal Zin, tb010512837
Nahal Zin, tb010512838
Nahal Zin, tb052407960
Nahal Zin, tb052407970
Nahal Zin, tb062400158
Nahal Zin, tb102005011
Nahal Zin, tb102005017
Nahal Zin, tb102005050
Negev Highlands (96)
Ammonite fossil in Nahal Hava, tb042107695
Cistern in Nahal Elot, tb010303540
Ein Yorkeam with ancient steps, tb042207847
Ein Yorkeam, tb042207850
Ein Yorkeam, tb042207852
Ein Yorkeam, tb042207853
Ein Yorkeam, tb042207859
Har Romem, Borot Lotz Israelite four-room house, tb010403533
Har Romem, Borot Lotz Israelite four-room house, tb010403534
Har Romem, Borot Lotz main waterhole, tb010403535
Har Romem, Borot Lotz with main waterhole, tb010403532
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, casemate wall, tb042007491
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, casemate wall, tb042007494
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, casemate wall, tb042007497
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, gate, tb042007499
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, gate, tb042007501
Horvat Haluqim, 10th century BC fort, tb042007502
Horvat Hazaza Nabatean post, tb042007461
Horvat Sharav near Nahal Hava, tb042107747
Khirbet HaRoah, 10th century BC fort, casemate wall, tb042007483
Khirbet HaRoah, 10th century BC fort, gate and casemate wall, tb042007484
Khirbet HaRoah, 10th century BC fort, tb042007478
Khirbet HaRoah, four-room house, tb042007468
Khirbet HaRoah, four-room house, tb042007486
Ktsinim cistern near Mezad Ruhot, tb042007514
Ktsinim cistern near Mezad Ruhot, tb042007516
Mezad Ruhot, 10th century BC fort, tb042007522
Mezad Ruhot, 10th century BC fort, tb042007524
Mezad Ruhot, 10th century BC fort, tb042007525
Mezad Tamar Roman fort doorway, tb042207930
Mezad Tamar Roman fort, tb042207925
Mezad Tamar Roman fort, tb042207931
Mezad Tamar Roman fort, tb042207932
Mezad Tamar Roman fort, tb042207936
Mezad Yeroham building next to Roman fort, tb042007425
Mezad Yeroham Roman fort from east, tb042007414
Mezad Yeroham Roman fort from west, tb042007421
Mezad Yeroham Roman fort from west, tb042007423
Mezad Yeroham Roman fort, tb042007426
Mezad Yorkeam, tb042207868
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze altar site, tb042007384
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze tumuli hill, tb042007381
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze tumuli in village, tb042007365
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze tumuli, tb042007383
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze tumulus, tb042007375
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze village and Yeroham Reservoir, tb042007370
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze village, tb042007357
Mount Yeroham Intermediate Bronze village, tb042007362
Mount Yeroham tumuli hill from Intermediate Bronze village, tb042007371
Nahal Akev with vegetation, tb042207755
Nahal Akev with vegetation, tb042207759
Nahal Akev with vegetation, tb042207763
Nahal Elot ancient circular building, tb010303569
Nahal Elot area, tb010303568
Nahal Elot with terebinth tree, tb010303570
Nahal Hava northern crevices, tb042107701
Nahal Hava northern crevices, tb042107703
Nahal Hava northern crevices, tb042107706
Nahal Hava, tb042107662
Nahal Hava, tb042107665
Nahal Hava, tb042107669
Nahal Hava, tb042107673
Nahal Hava, tb042107675
Nahal Hava, tb042107678
Nahal Hava, tb042107682
Nahal Hava, tb042107684
Nahal Hava, tb042107689
Nahal Hava, tb042107693
Nahal Hava, tb042107698
Nahal Revivim near Yeroham Reservoir, tb042007349
Oil cave for storage near Nahal Zinim, tb042107751
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s bedroom, tb052101304
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s desk with Lindsay book, tb052101305
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s home, Paula’s bedroom, tb052101306
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s house interior, tb052101307
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s house, tb110702483
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s kitchen, tb110702484
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s library, tb052101308
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s library, tb052101309
Sede Boqer Ben Gurion’s living room, tb052101310
Sheep and donkeys near Nahal Nafha, tb042207800
Sheep near Nahal Nafha, tb042207778
Shepherdess with flock near Nahal Nafha, tb042207802
Shepherdess with sheep near Sede Boqer, tb042007444
Tomb of David and Paula Ben Gurion near Sede Boqer, tb010503626
Tumuli atop hill, tb010303627
Tumuli near Nahal Nafha, tb042207820
Tumuli on hill near Nahal Akev, tb042207758
Tumulus side view, tb010303628
Tumulus side view, tb010303629
Tumulus, tb010303630
Yeroham Reservoir from north, tb042007337
Yeroham Reservoir from northwest, tb042007343
Yeroham Reservoir from west, tb042007350
Yeroham Reservoir from west, tb042007354
Yeroham Reservoir with palm trees, tb042007411
Spice Route (40)
Acacia tree in Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403501
Ein Saharonim rock formation, tb010403545
Ein Saharonim, tb010403546
Fossils in rock in Mezad Katzra, tb010403547
Frankincense on display at Avdat, tb022604970
Khan Saharonim on Spice Route, tb010403551
Khan Saharonim on Spice Route, tb010403552
Mezad Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403601
Mezad Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403602
Moa fort and khan on Spice Route, tb010403562
Moa fort on Spice Route, tb010403563
Mud cracking in Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403566
Mud cracking in Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403567
Myrrh on display at Avdat, tb022604969
Nahal Katzra east of Mezad Katzra, tb010403571
Nahal Katzra from south, tb010403572
Nahal Nekarot four wheel drive route, tb010403573
Nahal Nekarot holes in rock, tb010403574
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route fallen rocks, tb010403578
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route sandy bank, tb010403579
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403575
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403576
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403577
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403580
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403581
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403582
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403583
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403584
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403585
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403586
Nahal Nekarot on Spice Route, tb010403587
Rock layers with acacia trees in Nahal Katzra, tb010403612
Spice Route from Mezad Katzra to southeast, tb010403619
Spice Route in Machtesh Ramon with milestone, tb042107635
Spice Route in Machtesh Ramon with milestone, tb042107637
Spice Route in Machtesh Ramon with milestones, tb042107641
Spice Route in Machtesh Ramon, tb042107630
Spice Route north of Khan Saharonim, tb042107623
Spices on display at Avdat, tb022604968
Wadi below Har Masa on Spice Route, tb010403631
Tabernacle Model (53)
Acacia tree near tabernacle model, tb010612901
Priest blowing shofar, tb052201370
Tabernacle model and bronze laver, tb030807079
Tabernacle model and courtyard, tb030807082
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant behind curtain, tb010710938
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant contents, tb022804711
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant contents, tb022804712
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant contents, tb103099102
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant in Holy of Holies, kg102100161
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant in Holy of Holies, tb022804706
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant in Holy of Holies, tb022804707
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant in Holy of Holies, tb052208371
Tabernacle model Ark of the Covenant in Holy of Holies, tb052208375
Tabernacle model bronze laver and sacrificial altar, tb052208353
Tabernacle model bronze laver, tb052208349
Tabernacle model from above, bwb032300501
Tabernacle model from above, df101101329
Tabernacle model from above, tb030301330
Tabernacle model from above, tb103099103
Tabernacle model from outside courtyard, tb030807084
Tabernacle model golden menorah, tb052605177
Tabernacle model golden menorah, tb110902487
Tabernacle model high priest breastplate, tb010612897
Tabernacle model high priest breastplate, tb010710916
Tabernacle model high priest with bells and pomegranates, tb010710925
Tabernacle model high priest, tb010710921
Tabernacle model high priest, tb022804700
Tabernacle model holy place, tb052208399
Tabernacle model holy place, tb052507990
Tabernacle model incense altar and high priest, tb052605185
Tabernacle model incense altar utensils, tb030301322
Tabernacle model incense altar, tb052208365
Tabernacle model outer court, tb030301333
Tabernacle model priest with garments, tb010710911
Tabernacle model sacrificial altar grate, tb030301335
Tabernacle model sacrificial altar, Solomon’s Pillars, tb030301337
Tabernacle model sacrificial altar, tb030301338
Tabernacle model sacrificial altar, tb052208360
Tabernacle model sacrificial altar, tb052403623
Tabernacle model table of showbread, tb010710912
Tabernacle model table of showbread, tb030301342
Tabernacle model tent fabric, tb052605163
Tabernacle model tent wall and poles, tb052605168
Tabernacle model tent with golden poles, tb030301339
Tabernacle model tent with Solomon’s Pillars, tb030301340
Tabernacle model with acacia tree, tb052208405
Tabernacle model with bronze laver, tb052208345
Tabernacle model, tb030807080
Tabernacle model, tb030807088
Tabernacle model, tb030807091
Tabernacle model, tb030807094
Tabernacle model, tb030807098
Tabernacle model, tb052208386
Western Negev (48)
Besor spring, tb122203396
Besor spring, tb122203397
Gerar, Tel Haror from southeast, tb050701256
Gerar, Tel Haror tell surface, tb050701258
Gerar, Tel Haror view of Nahal Gerar at eastern base, tb050701254
Gerar, Tel Haror wheatfield, tb050701255
Gerar, Tel Haror with Bedouin tent at base, tb050701259
Gerar, Tel Haror with Bedouin women, tb050701260
Gerar, Tel Haror, collapsed tomb of sheikh, tb022407441
Gerar, Tel Haror, from south, tb051804719
Gerar, Tel Haror, surface of tell, tb022407445
Gerar, Tel Haror, with flowers, tbs91239704
Machtesh Beeri view east, tb050701271
Machtesh Beeri view south, tb050701272
Nahal Besor area view, tbs98099803
Nahal Besor area, tbs98039803
Nahal Besor badlands formations, tb050701280
Nahal Besor from Tell el-Farah South, tbs98089803
Nahal Besor on north side of Tell Jemmeh, tb050701281
Nahal Besor on south side of Tell Sharuhen, tb050701282
Nahal Besor stream, tb122203403
Nahal Besor view to north, tb050701283
Nahal Besor, tb122203399
Nahal Gerar from Ziklag, Tel Sera, tb050701284
Nahal Gerar, tbs98049803
Negev dwellings aerial, tb121704811
Negev wadi east of Beersheba aerial, tb010703600
Rahat, Bedouin city, aerial from west, tb121704810
Tel Halif, Lahav, overgrown excavation squares, tb022407424
Tel Halif, Lahav, overgrown excavation squares, tb022407426
Tel Halif, Lahav, tb022407423
Tell el-Farah South and Nahal Besor view east, tb050701345
Tell el-Farah South excavations, tb102305423
Tell el-Farah South view north, tb050701346
Tell el-Farah South view west, tb050701347
Tell el-Farah South with excavation squares, tb050701348
Tell Jemmeh and Nahal Besor view northwest, tb050701349
Tell Jemmeh excavation area, tb050701350
Tell Jemmeh side washed out by Nahal Besor, tb050701351
Tell Jemmeh side washed out by Nahal Besor, tb050701352
Tell Jemmeh view south, tb050701354
Western Negev farming slopes aerial, tb121704809
Ziklag, Tel Sera excavation area on ne, tb050701378
Ziklag, Tel Sera from east, tb050701379
Ziklag, Tel Sera view north of western Negev basin, tb050701376
Ziklag, Tel Sera view west to Gerar, Tel Haror, tb050701377
Ziklag, Tel Sera, aerial from east, tb010703638
Ziklag, Tel Sera, aerial from southeast, tb121704808
Wilderness (77)
Acacia tree at Haibar, tb030301201
Acacia tree at Haibar, tb030301202
Acacia tree in Red Canyon, tb030101203
Granite mountain south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403548
Israel-Egypt border with army jeep at Moon Valley overlook, tb052101223
Israel-Egypt border with Egyptian watchtower, tb052407977
Israel-Egypt border with Israeli army jeep, tb052407986
Moon Valley south of Israel-Egypt border, tb030707008
Mount Timna trail, tbs97339802
Nahal Paran Ada Canyon, tb042007555
Nahal Paran and wilderness from south, tb042007567
Nahal Paran from south, tb042007533
Nahal Paran from south, tb042007545
Nahal Paran from southwest, tb042007541
Nahal Paran with flash flood measuring system, tb042107614
Nahal Paran, tb042107600
Nahal Paran, tb042107607
Red Canyon area, tb030707951
Red Canyon from above, tb030101295
Red Canyon wadi, tb030101297
Red Canyon, mf110802479
Red Canyon, tb022704665
Red Canyon, tb022704675
Red Canyon, tb030707960
Red Canyon, tb030707974
Red Canyon, tb030707977
Red Canyon, tb030707983
Red Canyon, tb030707993
Red Canyon, tb110802481
Sunset from Nahal Paran, tb042007588
Timna arches, tb010612871
Timna arches, tb030301356
Timna bush near mushroom, tb030301357
Timna bush near mushroom, tb030301358
Timna canyon, tb110902492
Timna Chalcolithic copper mine, tb030807061
Timna Chalcolithic copper mine, tb030807067
Timna Chalcolithic copper mine, tb030807074
Timna Chalcolithic copper mines, tb010612867
Timna copper mining shaft, tb022804686
Timna copper ore, tb030301361
Timna copper ore, tb110902493
Timna Hathor’s Temple from above, tb030301363
Timna Hathor’s Temple hearth, tb030301364
Timna Hathor’s Temple standing stones and basin, tb110902494
Timna Hathor’s Temple standing stones, tb030301365
Timna Hathor’s Temple standing stones, tb110902495
Timna Hathor’s Temple, tb010612891
Timna Hathor’s Temple, tb030301366
Timna lake, tb110902496
Timna mushroom, tb030301368
Timna mushroom, tb030301369
Timna rock drawing of Ramses III and Hathor, tb030301371
Timna rock drawing of Ramses III and Hathor, tb052201372
Timna rocks look like green grass, tbs97309802
Timna Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612873
Timna Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612876
Timna Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612879
Timna Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612883
Timna Valley aerial with mushroom, bb00090010
Timna Valley view from Mount Timna, tbs97329802
Timna Valley view from Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612887
Timna Valley view from Solomon’s Pillars, tb010612888
Timna Valley with view of Transjordan, tb110902498
Timna Valley, tb010612884
Timna Valley, tb022804691
Timna Valley, tb022804692
Wilderness of Paran mud cracking, tb022704990
Wilderness of Paran mud cracking, tb022704985
Wilderness of Paran rocky soil, tb022704981
Wilderness of Paran, tb042007530
Wilderness of Paran, tb042007570
Wilderness south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403632
Wilderness south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403633
Wilderness south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403634
Wilderness south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403635
Wilderness south of Machtesh Ramon, tb010403636