- Pictorial Library
- Galilea y el Norte
- Samaria y el Centro
- Jerusalén
- Judá y el Mar Muerto
- El Néguev y el Desierto
- Jordania
- Egipto
- Líbano
- Este y Centro de Turquía
- Turquía Occidental
- Grecia
- Las Islas Griegas
- Chipre y Creta
- Italia y Malta
- Roma
- Arboles, Plantas y Flores de la Tierra Santa
- Imágenes Culturales de la Tierra Santa
- Señalizaciones en la Tierra Santa
- Colección Completa
Pictorial Library

Todas las imágenes son archivos jpeg de alta resolución (1600 x 1200 ó más), ideales para proyectar en el salón de clase, para imprimir o ver en la pantalla de su computador. Cada DVD incluye presentaciones PowerPoint para cada región (con anotaciones en inglés) y un índice.
Más información sobre los sitios en este Volumen
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Amman
- Arabah
- Dead Sea-East Side
- Edom-North
- Edom-South
- Gadara
- Gerasa
- Gilead-Lower
- Gilead-Upper
- Iraq el-Emir
- Jabbok, Penuel and Mahanaim
- Jordan Rift
- Medeba
- Medeba Plateau
- Moab
- Petra
Amman (52)
Amman citadel Byzantine church, tb060303024
Amman citadel courtyard and Umayyad mosque, tb060303038
Amman citadel entrance to underground reservoir, tb060303060
Amman citadel excavation squares, tb060303026
Amman citadel Fatimid mosque with niche, tb060303039
Amman citadel fortifications, tb031801002
Amman citadel from east, tb031801003
Amman citadel from theater, tb031801004
Amman citadel from theater, tb031801005
Amman citadel large Muslim period cistern, tb060108041
Amman citadel large Muslim period cistern, tb060303034
Amman citadel large Muslim period cistern, tb060303036
Amman citadel middle terrace from west, tb060303019
Amman citadel Muslim bathhouse, tb060303035
Amman Citadel northern end view to northwest, tb060108036
Amman Citadel northern end view to northwest, tb060303059
Amman citadel northern wall from west, tb060303063
Amman citadel olive press, tb060108042
Amman citadel Roman period southern wall, tb060303017
Amman citadel Roman temenos wall and niche, tb060303049
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules fragments, tb060303010
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules from north, tb060303150
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules, tb031801007
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules, tb060108035
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules, tb060108172
Amman citadel Temple of Hercules, tb060303020
Amman citadel Umayyad mosque, tb060108040
Amman citadel Umayyad mosque, tb060303074
Amman citadel Umayyad palace reception hall, tb060303029
Amman citadel Umayyad palace reception hall, tb060303040
Amman city with large flag, tb060108037
Amman colonnaded road by theater, tb060303168
Amman downtown from citadel, tb031801006
Amman forum and odeum from citadel, tb060303015
Amman odeum entrance, tb060303162
Amman odeum, tb060303159
Amman Rujm al-Kursi, Ammonite tower s wall, tb060303184
Amman Rujm al-Kursi, Ammonite tower, tb060303190
Amman Rujm al-Malfouf, Ammonite tower interior panorama, tb06030368p
Amman Rujm al-Malfouf, Ammonite tower, tb060303171
Amman Rujm al-Malfouf, Ammonite tower, tb060303180
Amman theater from above, tb060303014
Amman theater from stage, tb060303165
Amman theater, tb031801008
Amman theater, tb031801009
Amman Umayyad palace colonnaded road, tb060303043
Amman Umayyad palace reception interior, tb060303042
Amman Umayyad palace residence, tb060303045
Amman Umayyad residence and reception hall, tb060303067
Amman view east from citadel panorama, tb060108045
Plain north of Amman, tb110603121
Arabah (42)
Acacia trees in Arabah wadi near Petra, tb031901201
Arabah and mountains of Edom from west, tb061604663
Arabah and mountains of Israel from east, tb061604660
Arabah from east, tb061604661
Feinan, ancient Punon area, from west, tb061604673
Feinan, ancient Punon, ancient burial, tb061604744
Feinan, ancient Punon, area of copper mine, tb061604720
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper mine shaft, tb061604717
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper mine, tb061604724
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper mine, tb061604725
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper mine, tb061604734
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper ore and slag, tb061604691
Feinan, ancient Punon, copper ore, tb061604721
Feinan, ancient Punon, with Roman reservoir, tb061604681
Feinan, area of ancient Punon, tb061604697
Khirbet el-Jariya overview to southwest, df070807239
Khirbet en-Nahas Area M, slag heap stratigraphy, df080207011
Khirbet en-Nahas Area M, slag heap, df080207009
Khirbet en-Nahas Area S, Iron Age four-room workshop, view northeast, df080207014
Khirbet en-Nahas fortress interior, view south, panorama, df080207173
Khirbet en-Nahas fortress overview, view northwest, df080207175
Khirbet en-Nahas four-chambered gate, view south, df080207001
Khirbet en-Nahas Iron Age structure just east of Area S, view north, df080207162
Khirbet en-Nahas overview to northwest panorama, df080207179
Khirbet en-Nahas overview to northwest, df080207181
Khirbet en-Nahas panorama, df080207182
Khirbet en-Nahas slag remains on surface, df080207330
Khirbet en-Nahas slag remains on surface, df080207332
Khirbet Feinan, ancient Punon, from north, tb061604694
Khirbet Feinan, ancient Punon, from west, tb061604675
Khirbet Feinan, ancient Punon, view east panorama, df070307367
Khirbet Feinan, large wadi and slag mounds to south, view south, df070307192
Lower Wadi Ghuweib, view north, df080207201
Lower Wadi Ghuweib, view north, df080207202
Shepherd and flock near spring by Khirbet Hamra Ifdan, df070407309
Wadi Fidan Neolithic site excavations, df080207550
Wadi Jariya beautiful rock formations, df070907732
Wadi Jariya beautiful rock formations, df070907735
Wadi Jariya beautiful rock formations, df070907736
Wadi Jariya colorful rock formations, df070907741
Wadi Jariya exposed copper ore in bedrock, df070807104
Wadi Jariya survey, df070807724
Dead Sea-East Side (61)
Bab edh-Dhra and Wadi Kerak view northwest, tb061604936
Bab edh-Dhra Early Bronze shaft tomb interior, tb061604968
Bab edh-Dhra Early Bronze shaft tomb, tb061604960
Bab edh-Dhra Early Bronze tombs, tbs88269611
Bab edh-Dhra EBIII western gate, tb061604943
Bab edh-Dhra EBIII western gate, tb061604949
Bab edh-Dhra EBIII western gate, tb061604952
Bab edh-Dhra from west, tb061604933
Bab edh-Dhra mudbricks by west gate, tb061604942
Bab edh-Dhra view of Dead Sea, tbs88249611
Callirhoe harbor excavations, tb061604006
Callirhoe Herodian palace remains from north, tb061604994
Callirhoe Herodian palace remains, tb061604996
Callirhoe hot springs, tb061604012
Callirhoe hot springs, tb061604014
Callirhoe hot springs, tb061604019
Dead Sea and Wadi Zarqa Main aerial from west, tb010703501
Dead Sea and Wadi Zarqa Main aerial near Macherus, tb010703502
Dead Sea eastern shore with salt deposits, tb061604980
Dead Sea eastern shore with salt deposits, tb061604985
Dead Sea southern area from south, tb061604890
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, central mosaic, tb061604860
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, central mosaic, tb061604869
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, from west, tb061604851
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, inscription by cave, tb061604871
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, reservoir, tb061604863
Deir Ain Abata, Sanctuary of Lot, tb061604856
Hammamat Main mosque, tb061304382
Hammamat Main waterfalls, tb061304345
Hammamat Main waterfalls, tb061304350
Hammamat Main waterfalls, tb061304367
Hammamat Main waterfalls, tb061304371
Hammamat Main, tb061304338
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, cemetery from northwest, tb061604808
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, cist tomb, tb061604821
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, cist tombs, tb061604825
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, excavations from east, tb061604830
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, from west, tb061604799
Khirbet Feifeh, possible City of Plain, pottery, tb061604836
Khirbet Khanazir, possible City of Plain, from south, tb061604764
Khirbet Khanazir, possible City of Plain, from southwest, tb061604754
Lot’s wife pillar on eastern shore of Dead Sea, tb061604974
Nahal Arnon aerial from west, tb010703503
Nahal Arnon aerial from west, tb010703504
Nahal Arnon mouth with new dam, tb061604975
Nahal Arnon, tb031901212
Nahal Arnon, tb031901213
Nahal Arnon, tb031901214
Nahal Arnon, tb031901215
Nahal Arnon, tb031901216
Nahal Arnon, tb031901217
Numeira, possible Gomorrah, east fortifications, tb061604912
Numeira, possible Gomorrah, from northwest, tb061604897
Numeira, possible Gomorrah, southeast corner of fortifications, tb061604921
Numeira, possible Gomorrah, view to north, tb061604911
Safi, possible Zoar, Early Bronze cemetery, tb061604843
Safi, possible Zoar, Early Bronze cemetery, tb061604846
Safi, possible Zoar, ruins from south, tb061604840
Sunset over Dead Sea, tb061104094
Wadi Zarqa Main near Hammamat Main, tb061304334
Wadi Zarqa Main near Hammamat Main, tb061304337
Edom-North (61)
Bedouin tent at Beidha, tb061504370
Bedouin tent in Wadi Dana, tb053108946
Beidha area of Neolithic site, tb061504340
Beidha area, tb061504360
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic house with roof poles, tb061504365
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic houses reconstructed, tb061504348
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic rectangular house reconstruction, tb061504344
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic rectangular house, tb061504352
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic round house, tb061504358
Beidha Pre-Pottery Neolithic site excavations, tb061504350
Bozrah excavations from north, tb061404294
Bozrah excavations from southeast, tb061404287
Bozrah from north, tb053108947
Bozrah from northwest, tb061404284
Bozrah Iron Age toilet, tb061404300
Bozrah summit from north, tb053108948
Bozrah summit from northwest, tb061404279
Dana old village above Wadi Dana, tb053108945
Edomite hills north of Wadi Dana, tb061504246
Edomite mountains around Sela, tb061404233
Edomite mountains north of Wadi Dana, tb061504263
Edomite rugged mountains, tb061504282
Grapevines in Edomite mountains, tb061504248
Houses near Shobak Crusader castle, tb061504232
Khirbet edh-Dharih Nabatean temple from west, tb061404219
Khirbet et-Tannur Nabatean temple from northwest, tb061404204
Khirbet et-Tannur Nabatean temple from southwest, tb061404209
Little Petra Facade 846, tb061504299
Little Petra first open area, tb061504311
Little Petra Siq, tb061504307
Little Petra Siq, tb061504312
Little Petra temple and house, tb061504315
Little Petra triclinia, tb061504326
Little Petra triclinium, tb061504322
Little Petra view to east, tb061504337
Little Petra view to west, tb061504335
Nahal Zered from east with Khirbet et-Tannur, tb061404191
Nahal Zered from Khirbet et-Tannur, view to west, tb061404206
Nahal Zered from north, tb061404187
Nahal Zered from west, tb061404213
Sela and vicinity from south, tb061504255
Sela Babylonian inscription, tb061404244
Sela buildings on summit, tb061404271
Sela from east, tb061404238
Sela from southeast, tb061404227
Sela summit room with cistern below, tb061404257
Sela summit view to north, tb061404261
Sela summit view to south, tb061404258
Sela summit, tb061404252
Sheep and goats above Wadi Dana, tb061404304
Shobak Crusader castle from east, tb061504226
Shobak Crusader castle from west, tb061504225
Tafileh, possible Tophel, from north, tb061404220
Via Nova Traiana, King’s Highway, milestone, tbs92039704
Via Nova Traiana, King’s Highway, Roman milestones, tb061504272
Via Nova Traiana, King’s Highway, tbs92049704
Village near Shobak Crusader castle, tb061504280
Wadi Dana above Feinan, Punon from east, tb061404302
Wadi Dana above Feinan, Punon from east, tb061504259
Wadi Dana near Feinan, Punon from east, tb053108944
Wheatfield in Edomite mountains, tb061504256
Edom-South (57)
Aqaba and Eilat from east, tb061604638
Aqaba Byzantine city remains, tb061504589
Aqaba Early Islamic fortress western gate and street, tb061504605
Aqaba Early Islamic mosque, tb061504591
Aqaba Early Islamic pavilion house, tb061504597
Aqaba Mamluk castle courtyard, tb061504632
Aqaba Mamluk castle courtyard, tb061504636
Aqaba Mamluk castle gate with doors, tb061504617
Aqaba Mamluk castle, tb061504611
Aqaba view from Early Islamic remains, tb061504607
Girl on donkey near Humayma, tb061504439
Humayma Abbasid castle, tb061504406
Humayma Byzantine Lower Church, tb061504436
Humayma Nabatean aqueduct and reservoir, tb061504427
Humayma Nabatean reservoir, tb061504430
Jordan flag at Wadi Rum, tb061504451
Tell Maquss excavations from north, tb061604651
Tell Maquss from south, tb061604646
Udruh Roman fortress remains and modern mosque, tb061504396
Udruh Roman fortress remains near western gate, tb061504380
Udruh Roman fortress western wall, tb061504385
Valley north of Wadi Rum, tb061504397
Wadi Rum Alameleh inscriptions, df070207595
Wadi Rum area of Lawrence’s well, tb061504484
Wadi Rum by Jebel Khazali, tb061504551
Wadi Rum camels with riders, tb061504472
Wadi Rum from Jebel Khazali, tb061504556
Wadi Rum guest house area, tb061504455
Wadi Rum Jebel el Qattar, df070307699
Wadi Rum Jebel el Qattar, df070307712
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali crevice, tb061504517
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali crevice, tb061504535
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali Early Arabic inscriptions, tb061504549
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali Thamudic inscriptions, tb061504528
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali, df070207574
Wadi Rum Jebel Khazali, tb061504496
Wadi Rum Jebel Umm Ishrin, tb061504499
Wadi Rum Jebel Umm Ishrin, tb061504512
Wadi Rum Nabatean temple with Jebel Umm Ishrin, tb061504465
Wadi Rum Nabatean temple, tb061504460
Wadi Rum Nabatean temple, tb061504467
Wadi Rum natural sphinx, df070207665
Wadi Rum sand dune ripples, df070207684
Wadi Rum sand dune with sun, tb061504566
Wadi Rum sand dune, df070207642
Wadi Rum sand dune, df070207645
Wadi Rum sand dune, df070207648
Wadi Rum sand dune, df070207672
Wadi Rum sand dune, tb061504562
Wadi Rum Seven Pillars Mountain, tb061504441
Wadi Rum Thamudic inscriptions, df070207578
Wadi Rum Thamudic inscriptions, tb061504483
Wadi Rum Umm Fruth Rock Bridge, df070207634
Wadi Rum with Bedouin tents, df070207682
Wadi Rum, df110901309
Wadi Rum, tb061504502
Wadi Yitm from north, tb061504583
Gadara (35)
Gadara basalt grindstone, tb060503139
Gadara basalt sarcophagus, tb060503138
Gadara basalt sarcophagus, tb060503162
Gadara basalt tomb door, tb060503143
Gadara basalt tomb doors, 6 feet tall, tb060503149
Gadara bathhouse caldarium, tb031701101
Gadara Byzantine basilica, tb060503102
Gadara Byzantine basilica, tb060503108
Gadara Byzantine tomb mosaic, 4th c, tb060503134
Gadara columns along Decumanus, tb031701102
Gadara Decumanus and bathhouse from western theater, tb031701103
Gadara Decumanus, tb031701104
Gadara Decumanus, tb031701105
Gadara inscription of poet Miliagre, tb060503141
Gadara mausoleum, tb031701106
Gadara mosaic, tb060503144
Gadara mosaic, tb060503145
Gadara northern theater, tb060503130
Gadara nymphaeum, tb060503113
Gadara nymphaeum, tb060503129
Gadara remains and Sea of Galilee, tb060503103
Gadara Roman tomb door, tb060503161
Gadara Roman tomb interior, tb060503157
Gadara Roman tomb interior, tb060503158
Gadara round building, tb031701107
Gadara shops, tb060503126
Gadara western theater from above, tb060503100
Gadara western theater large seats, tb031701108
Gadara western theater seats, tb031701109
Gadara western theater top rows, tb060503099
Sea of Galilee from Gadara, tb060503104
Sea of Galilee shoreline from Gadara, tb060503128
Seated Goddess of Gadara statue, tb060503136
Yarmuk Valley and Sea of Galilee from Gadara, tb031701154
Yarmuk Valley from Gadara to north, tb031701155
Gerasa (85)
Gerasa architectural fragment with grapes, tb052908600
Gerasa architectural fragments with grapes, finished and unfinished, tb060603027
Gerasa architrave stones, tb031701110
Gerasa architrave stones, tb060603127
Gerasa Cardo from north, tb052908702
Gerasa Cardo from south, tb052908618
Gerasa Cardo from south, tb052908637
Gerasa Cardo from south, tb052908655
Gerasa Cardo from south, tb060603042
Gerasa Cardo manhole, tb031701111
Gerasa Cardo shops near south tetrapylon, tb060603144
Gerasa Cardo with sidewalk, tb060603203
Gerasa Cathedral, tb060603086
Gerasa Church of SS Cosmos and Damianos with mosaic floor, tb052908696
Gerasa Church of SS Cosmos and Damianos with mosaic floor, tb052908697
Gerasa Church of SS Cosmos and Damianos, mosaic inscription, tb052908698
Gerasa Church of St Theodore, tb060603090
Gerasa city from south theater, tb052908616
Gerasa columns and capital still buried, tb031701115
Gerasa east bathhouse, tb052908670
Gerasa from north, tb052908688
Gerasa hippodrome and Triumphal Arch of Hadrian from north, tb052908689
Gerasa hippodrome arches, tb052908565
Gerasa hippodrome seats, tb031701120
Gerasa hippodrome seats, tb031701121
Gerasa hippodrome, tb031701122
Gerasa hippodrome, tb052908577
Gerasa hippodrome, tb052908579
Gerasa macellum, food market, tb052908648
Gerasa north Decumanus, Cardo, north tetrapylon, tb060603176
Gerasa north gate, tb052908669
Gerasa north theater from top, tb060603180
Gerasa north theater niche, tb052908678
Gerasa north theater niches, tb060603108
Gerasa north theater stage and scena frons, tb060603109
Gerasa north theater supporting arches, tb060603188
Gerasa north theater, relief of flutist, tb052908676
Gerasa north theater, relief of harpist, tb052908675
Gerasa north theater, tb060603182
Gerasa nymphaeum basin, tb060603153
Gerasa nymphaeum detail, tb052908664
Gerasa nymphaeum, tb031701124
Gerasa nymphaeum, tb052908660
Gerasa oval plaza and Cardo from south, tb052908617
Gerasa oval plaza columns, tb031701126
Gerasa oval plaza panorama, tb052908599
Gerasa oval plaza, tb031701127
Gerasa oval plaza, tb052908596
Gerasa oval plaza, tb060603074
Gerasa sarcophagus, tb052908707
Gerasa south Decumanus, tb031701116
Gerasa south gate, tb060603017
Gerasa south tetrapylon from northeast, tb031701133
Gerasa south tetrapylon from south, tb052908652
Gerasa south theater from north, tb052908691
Gerasa south theater from top, tb060603053
Gerasa south theater inscription, Domitian’s name rubbed out, tb060603038
Gerasa south theater inscription, sound hole, tb060603068
Gerasa south theater inscription, tb052908606
Gerasa south theater seats inscribed, tb060603062
Gerasa south theater seats inscribed, tb060603066
Gerasa south theater stage and scena frons, tb060603039
Gerasa south theater vomitorium, tb052908628
Gerasa south theater, tb052908626
Gerasa south wall, tb060603022
Gerasa Temple of Artemis altar terrace, tb060603101
Gerasa Temple of Artemis columns, tb060603091
Gerasa Temple of Artemis entrance, tb031701118
Gerasa Temple of Artemis entrance, tb031701119
Gerasa Temple of Artemis from south, tb052908693
Gerasa Temple of Artemis interior, tb060603092
Gerasa Temple of Artemis podium, tb052908684
Gerasa Temple of Artemis, tb031701135
Gerasa Temple of Artemis, tb031701136
Gerasa Temple of Artemis, tb060603102
Gerasa Temple of Artemis, tb060603190
Gerasa Temple of Zeus from north, tb060603075
Gerasa Temple of Zeus, tb052908604
Gerasa tomb, tb052908585
Gerasa Triumphal Arch of Hadrian top niche, tb060603003
Gerasa Triumphal Arch of Hadrian, tb031701137
Gerasa Triumphal Arch of Hadrian, tb031701138
Gerasa Triumphal Arch of Hadrian, tb052908566
Gerasa west bathhouse, tb052908672
Stone mason at Gerasa, tb031701152
Gilead-Lower (20)
Abila Byzantine basalt street, tb060503073
Abila Byzantine church on Umm el-Amad, tb060503063
Abila Byzantine cruciform church, tb060503078
Abila excavations from northeast, tb060503089
Abila from northeast, tb060503088
Abila necropolis and Wadi Quailibah from southwest, tb060503055
Abila Umm el-Amad from north, tb060503038
Hammat Gader from south, tb060503117
Ramoth Gilead plains, tb031701151
Tell Abila Byzantine church from southwest, tb060503052
Tell el-Husn, possible Ramoth Gilead, from northeast, tb060503031
Tell er-Rumeith view northwest to Ramtha, possible Ramoth Gilead, tb060503025
Tell er-Rumeith, possible Ramoth Gilead, from east, tb060503012
Tell er-Rumeith, possible Ramoth Gilead, from west, tb060503002
Tell er-Rumeith, possible Ramoth Gilead, tb060503006
Wadi Quailibah east of Abila, tb060503033
Yarmuk Valley and Sea of Galilee from southeast, tb060503120
Yarmuk Valley from south, tb060503116
Yarmuk Valley from south, tb060503124
Yarmuk Valley from southwest, tb060503165
Gilead-Upper (41)
Abu Hummus, possible Tishbe, from Mar Elias, tb060403123
Abu Hummus, possible Tishbe, from north, tb060403134
Ajlun area and castle from east, tb110703038
Ajlun castle cornucopia decoration, tb060403083
Ajlun castle entrance, tb060403096
Ajlun castle from east, tb110703039
Ajlun castle from east, tb110703044
Ajlun castle interior arch with window, tb060403072
Ajlun castle interior room, tb060403074
Ajlun castle interior, tb060403076
Ajlun castle rooms from above, tb060403086
Ajlun Castle, Byzantine mosaic, fish, loaves, tb060403082
Ajlun Castle, tb060403066
Forest in Gilead mountains, tb110603073
Forest in Gilead mountains, tb110603098
Gilead goats, tb031701139
Gilead grain fields near Listib, possible Tishbe, tb060403135
Gilead mountains west of Ajlun, tb031701140
Gilead mountains west of Ajlun, tb031701141
Gilead mountains, tb110603071
Gilead olive orchards near Listib, possible Tishbe, tb060403136
Grape arbor near house, tb110703045
Jabesh Gilead, Tell Maqlub, from northeast, tb110703083
Listib, possible Tishbe, from Mar Elias, tb060403121
Listib, possible Tishbe, remains, tb060403129
Man plowing field with horse, tb110703063
Mar Elias baptistery and mosaics, tb060403115
Mar Elias Byzantine church, tb060403100
Mar Elias Byzantine mosaics, tb060403109
Mar Elias Byzantine mosaics, tb060403111
Mar Elias Byzantine mosaics, tb060403112
Mar Elias Byzantine mosaics, tb060403113
Mar Elias Elijah inscription closeup, tb060403119
Mar Elias Elijah inscription, tb060403117
Mar Elias from Listib, possible Tishbe, tb060403128
Mar Elias view to northeast, tb060403106
Umm al-Hedamus, possible Tishbe, from west, tb060403156
Umm al-Hedamus, possible Tishbe, surface, tb060403139
Wadi in Gilead mountains, tb110603119
Wadi Yabes from west, tb110703064
Wadi Yabes, tb060403159
Iraq el-Emir (14)
Iraq el-Emir cave with Tobiah inscription, tb060303229
Iraq el-Emir cave with Tobiah inscription, tb060303234
Iraq el-Emir leopard water fountain, tb060303193
Iraq el-Emir palace from north, tb060303214
Iraq el-Emir palace interior, tb060303200
Iraq el-Emir palace lioness carving, tb060303209
Iraq el-Emir palace north facade, tb060303211
Iraq el-Emir palace south facade, tb060303203
Iraq el-Emir palace west side large stones, tb060303207
Iraq el-Emir palace west side, tb060303208
Iraq el-Emir Tobiah caves from east, tb060303236
Iraq el-Emir Tobiah inscription, tb060303227
Wadi es-Sir from east with palace and caves, tb060303235
Wadi es-Sir from north, tb060303217
Jabbok, Penuel and Mahanaim (20)
Bedouin tents near Jabbok River, tb060403052
Fords of Jabbok from Penuel, tb031701142
Fords of Jabbok view to Penuel, tbs91299704
Goats near Jabbok River, tb060403048
Jabbok River crossing, tb060403046
Jabbok River east of Mahanaim, tb110603135
Jabbok River eastern end, tb060603215
Jabbok River eastern end, tb060603216
Jabbok River from Penuel with Mahanaim, tb031701143
Jabbok River view east, tb031701144
Jabbok River view west from Mahanaim, tb060403043
Jabbok River with Penuel to east, tb031701145
Jabbok River with Penuel, tb060403030
Jabbok River, tb110603109
Mahanaim from northwest, tb031701146
Mahanaim from south, tb031701147
Mahanaim surface of tell, tb060403042
Penuel and fords of Jabbok from south, tb031701148
Penuel from south, tb031701149
Penuel heart-shaped column drum, tb031701150
Jordan Rift (49)
Bedouin tents in Jordan Rift Valley, tb110703096
Dolmen field near Adam, tb061104035
Dolmen near Adam, tb061104056
Dolmens near Adam, tb061104045
Donkey at Pella, tb060503203
Gilead mountains south of Pella aerial from west, tb121704089
Goat eating at Pella, tb060503197
Goat eating at Pella, tb060503199
Jabbok River aerial from west, tb121704102
Jabbok River from Tell Deir Alla, tb061104007
Jordan Rift and Transjordan aerial from west, tb010703126
Jordan Rift view north from Tell Deir Alla, possible Succoth, tb060403005
Jordan River and Plains of Moab aerial from west, tb010703127
Mount Nebo from northwest, tb060108186
Pella Byzantine church from east, tb110703099
Pella Byzantine church from west, tb060503192
Pella Byzantine church, tb060503175
Pella excavations from west, tb060503191
Pella from east panorama, tb110703101
Pella Late Bronze excavations, tb110703103
Pella possible Late Bronze temple, tb060503184
Plains of Moab below Mount Nebo with camels, tb061104079
Plains of Moab with Mount Nebo, tbs92139704
Qattara east of Adam, tb060403002
Sheep drinking from stream at Pella, tb060503173
Teleilat Ghassul excavations from northwest, tb061604027
Teleilat Ghassul from northeast, tb061604029
Tell Abu Ubeida and Tell Mazar from south, tb060403007
Tell Abu Ubeida from west, tb110503969
Tell Deir Alla excavations, tb060403017
Tell Deir Alla from east, tb060403056
Tell Deir Alla from north, tb031701153
Tell Deir Alla view to south, tb060403011
Tell Deir Alla view to west, tb060403008
Tell Deir Alla, possible Succoth, area aerial from west, tb121704096
Tell Deir Alla, possible Succoth, excavations view to southwest, tb061104011
Tell Deir Alla, possible Succoth, excavations, tb061104005
Tell Deir Alla, possible Succoth, view to northeast, tb061104002
Tell el-Ahsas, possible Succoth, from east, tb060403009
Tell el-Hammam excavations, tb060108188
Tell el-Hammam excavations, tb060108193
Tell el-Hammam excavations, tb060108198
Tell el-Hammam view from north, tb060108182
Tell el-Hammam wall, tb060108179
Tell es-Saidiyeh, from west, tb022207330
Tell es-Saidiyeh, Zarethan, from southwest, tb110503965
Tell es-Saidiyeh, Zarethan, view of Rift Valley to northwest, tb110503948
Tell es-Saidiyeh, Zarethan, water system, tb110503938
Tell es-Saidiyeh, Zarethan, water system, tb110503958
Medeba (34)
Medeba Burnt Palace eastern wing mosaic, tb061304175
Medeba Burnt Palace, tb061304168
Medeba Byzantine Cardo, tb061304164
Medeba Church of Virgin mosaic, tb061304157
Medeba Hippolytus Hall mosaic, tb061304148
Medeba map from northwest, tb053108027
Medeba map from south, tb053108983
Medeba map, Aenon and Bethabra, tb061304203
Medeba map, Benjamin and Arimathea, tb053108976
Medeba map, Dead Sea area, tb031801031
Medeba map, Dead Sea area, tb053108028
Medeba map, Dead Sea, tb061304195
Medeba map, Jericho area, tb053108977
Medeba map, Jericho, tb053108010
Medeba map, Jerusalem area, tb053108021
Medeba map, Jerusalem area, tb053108981
Medeba map, Jerusalem area, tb053108989
Medeba map, Jerusalem, tb053108023
Medeba map, Jordan River and Bethabara, tb053108014
Medeba map, Jordan River, Aenon and Salim, tb053108002
Medeba map, Judea and Dead Sea, tb053108974
Medeba map, Judea, Jerusalem and Dead Sea, tb053108982
Medeba map, Nile River, tb053108970
Medeba map, north of Jerusalem, tb061304197
Medeba map, northern section, tb053108033
Medeba map, southern end and Egypt, tb053108985
Medeba map, Tamar and Moa, tb053108017
Medeba map, tb053108966
Medeba map, tb053108967
Medeba map, Transjordan, tb061304219
Medeba Mosaic of the Tree, tb061304293
Medeba mosaic, tb061304294
Medeba St George’s Church interior, tb061304233
Medeba St George’s church, tb053108965
Medeba Plateau (99)
Aroer and Arnon Valley from northeast, tb061204179
Aroer excavations of Iron Age fort, tb061204182
Aroer on Arnon and Arnon Valley from east, tb061204199
Aroer on Arnon from south, tb053108957
Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, cistern with drainage channels, tb061204050
Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, excavated cave, tb061204020
Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, excavations on summit, tb061204029
Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, from north, tb061204007
Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, Iron Age temple on summit, tb061204034
Baal Meon, Main, from north, tb061304300
Baal-Meon, Main, church mosaic, Eleutheropolis, Bet Guvrin, tb061304131
Baal-Meon, Main, church mosaic, Gadara, tb061304130
Baal-Meon, Main, church mosaic, Heshbon, tb061304129
Baal-Meon, Main, church mosaic, Nicopolis, tb061304132
Dolmen near Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304320
Dolmens near Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304311
Khirbet Iskander and Wadi Walla from east, tb061204118
Khirbet Iskander Early Bronze IV excavations near entranceway, tb061204120
Khirbet Iskander Early Bronze IV excavations on summit, tb061204130
Khirbet Iskander from south, tb061204136
Lehun excavation squares view to north, tb061204211
Lehun excavations, tb061204220
Macherus aqueduct foundation, tb031801028
Macherus aqueduct from summit, tb061204102
Macherus Byzantine church, tb061204054
Macherus cave, traditional prison of John the Baptist, tb061204077
Macherus farmer boy plowing rock field, tbs87229611
Macherus from east, tb061204069
Macherus from southeast, tb031801029
Macherus from southeast, tb061204081
Macherus from southeast, tb061204083
Macherus mikveh on summit, tb061204106
Macherus mosaic, first century BC, tb061304126
Macherus palace courtyard, tb061204110
Macherus Roman siege ramp, tb061204090
Macherus siege wall to west, tb061204088
Medeba Plateau north of Tell Jalul, tb061204373
Medeiniyeh on Themed, possible Jahaz, from west, tb061204329
Menhir, standing stone, near Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304326
Moabite shrine from Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, tb061304259
Mount Nebo Memorial of Moses church interior, dg031801037
Mount Nebo Memorial of Moses church, tb031801036
Mount Nebo milestones on pilgrim road to site, tb031801038
Mount Nebo serpent symbol, tb031801039
Mount Nebo sunset with Dead Sea, df110801702
Mount Nebo valley to north, tb031801040
Mount Nebo view of plains of Moab and Dead Sea, tbs91349704
Nebo, Khirbet el-Mekhayyat, Byzantine church mosaic, tb061304100
Nebo, Khirbet el-Mekhayyat, Byzantine mosaic of grape harvest, tb061304104
Nebo, Khirbet el-Mekhayyat, from northeast, tb061304097
Nebo, Khirbet el-Mekhayyat, summit from northeast, tb061304120
Olive tree grove near Ataroth, Khirbet Attarus, tb061204006
Rolling stone used as monastery door Abu Badd, tb031801043
Rumeil Moabite tower from north, tb061204342
Rumeil Moabite tower, tb061204315
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, excavations, tb061204147
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, excavations, tb061204158
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, from north, tb061204142
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, from southeast, tb061204145
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, from west, tb031801021
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, Iron Age foundation of Moabite temple, tb031801020
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, Iron Age wall on east side, tb053108964
Tell Dhiban, possible Dibon, Iron Age wall, tb053108963
Tell el-Umeiri excavations in Area B, tb061304014
Tell el-Umeiri excavations, tb061304039
Tell el-Umeiri from north, tb061304004
Tell el-Umeiri from northwest, tb061304005
Tell el-Umeiri Iron I four-room house, tb061304020
Tell Hesban Bedouin tent, tb061304070
Tell Hesban Citadel view north, df070507071
Tell Hesban first century tomb loculi, tb061304079
Tell Hesban from north, tb061304043
Tell Hesban Iron Age reservoir with plaster, df070507078
Tell Hesban rolling stone tomb from inside, tb061304085
Tell Hesban rolling stone tomb, tb061304089
Tell Hesban steps to Roman temple, tb061304054
Tell Hesban summit and Byzantine church, tb061304055
Tell Hesban water cistern, tb061304458
Tell Jalul approach ramps, tb061204372
Tell Jalul excavations on east end, possible gate, tb061204364
Tell Jalul excavations on northern end, tb061204374
Tell Jalul excavations, tb061204357
Tell Jalul from south, tb061204351
Umm ar-Rasas Church of Bishop Sergius mosaic, tb061204263
Umm ar-Rasas Church of Stephen iconoclasm, tb061204225
Umm ar-Rasas Lions Church, tb061204290
Umm ar-Rasas mosaic St Stephen’s Church mosaic, Cisjordanian cities, tb061204260
Umm ar-Rasas Roman camp northern wall, tb061204279
Umm ar-Rasas ruins with stylite tower, tb061204287
Umm ar-Rasas St Stephen’s Church mosaic, Jerusalem, tb061204240
Umm ar-Rasas St Stephen’s Church mosaic, Kastron Mepha, tb061204248
Umm ar-Rasas St Stephen’s Church mosaic, tb061204258
Umm ar-Rasas St Stephen’s Church mosaic, Transjordanian cities, tb061204257
Umm ar-Rasas stylite tower, tb061204309
Umm ar-Rasas winepress with compartments, tb061204292
Wadi Zarqa Main from east, tb061204003
Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304319
Wheatfield near Wadi Zarqa Main, tb061304303
Zafaran Moabite tower from south, tb061204346
Moab (42)
Arnon Valley crossing Wilderness Highway, tb061404002
Arnon Valley from south panorama, tb053108951
Arnon Valley from south, tb053108956
Arnon Valley view southeast from Aroer, tb061204190
Arnon Valley view southwest from Aroer, tb061204191
Arnon Valley view southwest from Lehun, tb061204212
Arnon Valley view to southeast, tb031801041
Arnon Valley with reservoir, tb053108955
Balu excavations, tb061404076
Balu ruins, tb061404067
Bedouin at Balu, tb061404092
Fields of Moab south of Arnon, tb031801023
Flock and Beduoin tent at Balu, tb061404063
Humud village in land of Moab, tb061404047
Kerak castle arch and arrow hole for defense, tb061404162
Kerak castle arches, tb061404175
Kerak castle eastern fortifications, tb061404163
Kerak castle from east, tb061404120
Kerak castle from south with wadis to west, tb061404158
Kerak castle from southwest, tb031801025
Kerak castle kitchen, tb061404168
Kerak castle large hall on northern end, tb061404180
Kerak castle moat on northern side, tb061404126
Kerak castle Nabatean statue in secondary use, tb061404174
Kerak castle northern buildings, tb061404133
Kerak castle original entrance, tb061404176
Kerak castle passageway, tb061404144
Kerak castle passageway, tb061404476
Kerak castle southern end, tb061404154
Kerak castle wadi on northeast, tb061404121
Kerak castle wall and moat, tb053108949
Kerak castle with view of wadis to west, tb061404156
Kerak castle, tbs95109711
Lejjun Roman fortress from west, tb061404044
Lejjun Roman fortress view east to barracks, tb061404017
Qatrana Ottoman fort along Darb el-Haj, tb061404008
Qatrana Ottoman fort, reservoir by Darb el-Haj, tb061404006
Rabbah Moab Roman reservoir, tb061404107
Rabbah Moab Roman street, tb061404102
Rabbah Moab Roman temple, tb061404099
Wadi Nukheila east of Balu, tb061404080
Wadi Nukheila from west near Iron Age road, tb061404051
Petra (147)
Al-Wueira Crusader castle near Petra from east, tb061504288
Camel at Petra, tb031901204
Camels at Petra, tb053008872
Jebel Haroun Mountain of Aaron, from east, tb061504297
Jebel Haroun, Mountain of Aaron, from north, tb053008887
Jebel Haroun, Mountain of Aaron, from north, tb053008888
Mountains near Petra, tb031901208
Mountains near Petra, tb031901209
Natural elephant stone near Petra, tb061504372
Petra altar in front of Qasr el-Bint, df071907005
Petra ancient Nabatean traders, df071907006
Petra ancient Nabatean traders, df071907008
Petra arch over Siq, tb053008735
Petra area from east, tb061504283
Petra area from east, tb061504290
Petra Bab as-Siq inscription, Nabatean, Greek, tb053008723
Petra caldarium south of Temenos Gate, df071907046
Petra camels and tombs, df071907270
Petra canyon, tb031901218
Petra caravan carved in stone, tb053008918
Petra caravan carving in Siq, tb053008789
Petra carving for god Dushara in Wadi Mudhlim, tb053008926
Petra carving of god Dushara in Siq, tb053008765
Petra carving of god Dushara in Siq, tb053008767
Petra carving of god Dushara in Siq, tb053008775
Petra carving of god Dushara in Siq, tb053008797
Petra church, tb053008852
Petra clay pipe in water channel, tb053008822
Petra clay water pipe, tb053008821
Petra colored rock, df110901301
Petra colored rock, tb031901221
Petra colored rock, tb053008842
Petra colored rock, tb053008843
Petra Corinthian tomb, tb053008907
Petra elephant carving in Siq, tb053008776
Petra excavations south of Great Temple view east, df071907099
Petra from southeast, jc042407521
Petra from southeast, jc042407537
Petra Great Temple and toppled column view southwest panorama, df071907258
Petra Great Temple architectural fragments, tb053008855
Petra Great Temple column with painting, tb053008861
Petra Great Temple elephant carving, tb053008858
Petra Great Temple entrance, tb053008849
Petra Great Temple from behind view north, df071907125
Petra Great Temple from Umm el-Biyara view east, df071907130
Petra Great Temple paving slabs, tb053008856
Petra Great Temple south corridor painting, tb053008865
Petra Great Temple theatron, df071907496
Petra Great Temple toppled column, tb053008860
Petra Great Temple walkway on east view south, df071907722
Petra Great Temple wall painting, tb053008863
Petra Great Temple, tb053008854
Petra High Place from below, tb031901224
Petra horse and carriage, tb053008715
Petra Kazneh doorway, df071907466
Petra Kazneh, tb053008804
Petra Kazneh, tb053008805
Petra Kazneh, tb053008810
Petra Kazneh, Treasury top half, tb031901226
Petra Kazneh, Treasury view from bottom, tb031901227
Petra Kazneh, Treasury, tb031901229
Petra Kazneh, Treasury, tb031901230
Petra main street and Roman theater, tb053008908
Petra man with skin churn, tb053008837
Petra Monastery urn panorama, df072007209
Petra Monastery urn panorama, df072007217
Petra Monastery urn, df072007405
Petra Monastery urn, df072007427
Petra Monastery urn, tbs88229611
Petra Monastery, df072007442
Petra Monastery, tb053008874
Petra Monastery, tb053008877
Petra Monastery, tb053008880
Petra Monastery, tb053008891
Petra Monastery, tb053008899
Petra mountains near Monastery, tb053008900
Petra mountains, tb053008921
Petra Nabatean dam in Wadi Mudhlim, tb053008936
Petra Nabatean wall near Siq, tb053008943
Petra natural rock, anteater, tb053008728
Petra Nymphaeum, df071907233
Petra Obelisk Tomb, tb053008725
Petra Obelisk Tomb, tb053008727
Petra overview with Roman Cardo and Great Temple view east, df071907237
Petra Palace and Corinthian tombs, tb053008848
Petra Palace and Corinthian tombs, tb053008911
Petra Palace tomb, df072007256
Petra paving stones in Siq, tb053008778
Petra Qasr el-Bint, tb031901237
Petra Qasr el-Bint, tb053008869
Petra Roman Cardo and Umm el-Biyara view west, df072007051
Petra Roman Cardo, df071907292
Petra Roman Cardo, tb053008903
Petra Roman theater stage, df071907303
Petra Roman theater, df071907297
Petra Roman theater, tb053008838
Petra rooms with colored rock, tb053008839
Petra Silk and Urn tombs, df071907312
Petra Siq from inside Kazneh, tb031901238
Petra Siq from Kazneh, tb053008816
Petra Siq water channel with slabs, tb053008756
Petra Siq with Kazneh, df110901306
Petra Siq with Kazneh, tb053008798
Petra Siq with water channel, tb053008748
Petra Siq, df072007322
Petra Siq, df110901308
Petra Siq, tb031901240
Petra Siq, tb053008738
Petra Siq, tb053008747
Petra Siq, tb053008759
Petra Siq, tb053008773
Petra Siq, tbs88069611
Petra skin churn, tb053008840
Petra steps in cliff face, near High Place, df071907348
Petra sunset, tb061404482
Petra Temple of the Winged Lions view north, df071907372
Petra tomb near Kazneh, tb053008827
Petra tomb of Sextius Florentinus, tb053008916
Petra tomb outside Siq, tb053008718
Petra tomb southwest of Monastery, df072007500
Petra tomb southwest of Monastery, df072007505
Petra tomb, tb031901251
Petra tomb, trees, and terraces, tb053008713
Petra tombs near Kazneh, tb053008829
Petra tombs near Kazneh, tb053008830
Petra tombs near Kazneh, tb053008831
Petra tombs north of restaurant, df072007507
Petra tombs, south side near Kazneh and Street of Facades, df071907519
Petra tombs, tb053008905
Petra trees and terraces, tb053008712
Petra triclinium tomb interior, tb031901252
Petra Umm el-Biyara cisterns and channels on east end, df071907066
Petra Umm el-Biyara cisterns and channels on east end, df071907068
Petra Umm el-Biyara Iron Age excavations, df071907146
Petra Umm el-Biyara pathway up, df071907262
Petra Umm el-Biyara pathway up, df071907266
Petra Umm el-Biyara petroglyph, game board, df071907277
Petra Umm el-Biyara staircase up, tbs100129811
Petra Umm el-Biyara structures on east end, df071907360
Petra Umm el-Biyara, tb031901254
Petra Urn tomb interior, df072007540
Petra view from High Place, tbs92089704
Petra view west to Arabah panorama, tb053008885
Petra wadi and Nabatean dam, tb053008914
Petra Wadi Mudhlim, tb053008924
Petra Wadi Mudhlim, tb053008934
Petra water tunnel, tb053008732